Cook County News Herald

Spring fever at the Care Center



Spring fever has arrived for residents at the North Shore Care Center with longer days of sunlight and the anticipation of warmer days ahead.

Everyone is looking forward to outdoor activities in April to celebrate National Garden Month, Earth Day, and Arbor Day. The residents will start planting seeds indoors and hope to spend time on the patios for fresh air, sunshine, and garden clean-up. There will also be a lunch outing to the Senior Center on the Arrowhead Transit bus.

The Resident Council “Spring Fling Sale” is coming up in May, so there will be lots of projects to work on all month, including re-potting house plants, painting wooden fish mobiles, Mother’s Day gifts, and making homemade dog biscuits. It’s Dog Appreciation Month and we try to keep everyone happy!

April 12-18 marks National Volunteer Week—a time to recognize the efforts of volunteers at the local, state, and national levels. The residents and staff wish to thank our dedicated volunteers for 50 years of service. 2015 marks the 50th anniversary of the Care Center with a special Volunteer Recognition planned for past and present volunteers. The 50th Recognition Brunch will take place on Wednesday, May 20 at 10 a.m. in the Care Center Dining Room.

The Easter Bunny had some great helpers for the Community Easter Egg Hunt this Saturday, April 4. Residents at the North Shore Care Center (and some friends) filled over 3,000 eggs with candy for the big event. It is the 6th annual fundraiser for the Kids Plus Program.

The Easter Bunny had some great helpers for the Community Easter Egg Hunt this Saturday, April 4. Residents at the North Shore Care Center (and some friends) filled over 3,000 eggs with candy for the big event. It is the 6th annual fundraiser for the Kids Plus Program.

The monthly birthday party will be held on Wednesday, April 8 to honor Trudy Boyd and Delores McLean. Cake and ice cream will be served at 3 p.m. along with classic piano music by Doug Sanders.

The Grand Marais Lioness Club will host their monthly social for residents on Saturday, April 18 at 3 p.m. with delicious desserts for everyone. Irene Thompson will play old tunes on the piano. Later that day at 6:30 p.m., the band Portage will perform their classic country music dance. As always, families, friends, and community members are welcome to join in the fun.

Additional live music this month features Myron Bursheim on Sundays, Irene Thompson on Mondays, Al Fuller on Tuesdays, and Susan Scherer on Wednesdays.

The finished product, ready to go. (L-R, front) Bernice LeGarde, Bob Heideman, Donna Willett. (L-R, back) Skip Rouser, Helene Smith, Lorraine Wipson.

The finished product, ready to go. (L-R, front) Bernice LeGarde, Bob Heideman, Donna Willett. (L-R, back) Skip Rouser, Helene Smith, Lorraine Wipson.

There are volunteer opportunities for all ages at the North Shore Care Center. For more information about our volunteer program, upcoming activities, and 50th anniversary events, please contact the Activity Department at 218-387-3518 or visit the website:

Cook County has a vibrant and active community of elders. Each week we will offer Senior News to highlight our senior citizens. This week’s submission is about the North Shore Care courtesy of Kay Rosenthal.

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