Kay Rosenthal
Latest Articles:

2022 NFG Holiday Sale & Open House
Kay Rosenthal | November 26, 2022
The Northwoods Fiber Guild will host their annual Holiday Sale & Open House on Saturday, December 3rd, at the Grand Marais Art Colony’s new “Studio 21” site located at 21 W. Hwy. 61 in Grand Marais, MN. The sale is a well-known tradition on the north shore featuring quality one-of-a kind fiber crafts and artwork handmade by guild members. The... READ MORE >

Northwoods Fiber Guild celebrates 34 years “Through Our Hands VI” exhibition
Kay Rosenthal | June 17, 2022
The Northwoods Fiber Guild in Grand Marais, Minnesota will celebrate a milestone anniversary this year. The organization began in 1988 when a small group of knitters, weavers, spinners, and other fiber enthusiasts from Cook County gathered to share ideas, foster support, and eventually establish the Northwoods Fiber Guild. The vision of the original founders was to provide assistance and promote... READ MORE >

Serenity Garden welcomes spring
Kay Rosenthal | March 19, 2021
In 2019, a group of local women began working on a plan for a special garden. Their vision as gardeners and landscapers was to create a Serenity Garden, “a peaceful space in nature for reflection and healing,” at the North Shore Health campus in Grand Marais. In 2020, the Serenity Garden Committee (SGC) was formed in response to the hopes... READ MORE >

Youth Fiber Discovery Day at North House Folk School
Kay Rosenthal | January 24, 2020
The Northwoods Fiber Guild (NFG) is excited to celebrate the Tenth Anniversary of the Northern Fibers Retreat with North House Folk School. This milestone year brings changes and a new name “Fiber Week.” Fiber Week will be held at North House February 11-17, featuring guest instructors, a speaker series, 20 courses, open studios and a fiber fair, chili feed, and... READ MORE >

NFG Holiday sale & open house
Kay Rosenthal | November 29, 2019
The Northwoods Fiber Guild will host their annual Holiday Sale & Open House on Saturday, December 7th at the Grand Marais Art Colony. The sale is a well-known tradition on the north shore featuring quality one-of-a kind fiber crafts by guild members. The doors will be open from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. with tasty treats, hands-on activities, fiber demos,... READ MORE >

Fibers for Kids at NHFS
Kay Rosenthal | February 01, 2019
The Northwoods Fiber Guild will once again teach fiber classes to children and adults during the 9th annual Northern Fibers Retreat at North House Folk School in Grand Marais, February 13-17. The five-day event will feature guest instructor Karin Flatoy Svarstad from Norway, new courses, lectures, Lunch & Learn sessions, and community gatherings. A popular program for families at the... READ MORE >

Fiber Guild presents “Through our Hands V”
Kay Rosenthal | June 16, 2018
The Northwoods Fiber Guild is pleased to announce an exhibition of fiber art entitled, Through Our Hands V. The exhibit will open at the Johnson Heritage Post Art Gallery in Grand Marais on June 22 and run through July 16. The show will feature a variety of fiber works created by NFG members – all local artisans who live along... READ MORE >

Northwoods Fiber Guild celebrates 30 years
Kay Rosenthal | April 28, 2018
In 1988, a small group of weavers, spinners, knitters, basket makers and other fiber enthusiasts from Cook County gathered to share ideas, foster support, and begin the Northwoods Fiber Guild. The vision of the original founders was to provide assistance and promote educational opportunities for members and the greater community. Thirty years later – and still growing, the NFG continues... READ MORE >

Fibers for Kids Program at North House Folk School
Kay Rosenthal | February 10, 2018
The Northwoods Fiber Guild will once again teach fiber-art classes to children and adults during the annual Northern Fibers Retreat at North House Folk School. It is the eighth year for this fiber-filled event, which takes place February 14-18. The retreat is a collaborative effort of three local organizations in Cook County – North House Folk School, Grand Marais Art... READ MORE >

Fall fun at the Care Center
Kay Rosenthal | September 05, 2015
The summer is going by quickly for residents at the North Shore Care Center. A lot of time has been spent outdoors for activities on the patios, picnics, and outings in the community. We lucked out with some great weather, and hope to enjoy more nice days before the fall season arrives. September is back to school month, the autumnal... READ MORE >