Cook County News Herald

Spring fever at the Care Center

Above: The residents have given a new “twist” to the game Twister. They enjoy playing with colorful bean bags to score as many points as possible. It’s great exercise and fun, too! Left: The Bethlehem Lutheran Church Quilters recently donated seven handmade quilts to residents at the North Shore Care Center. The quilters are (L-R) Joan Beiber, Eleanor Waha, and Gladys Dockan.

Above: The residents have given a new “twist” to the game Twister. They enjoy playing with colorful bean bags to score as many points as possible. It’s great exercise and fun, too! Left: The Bethlehem Lutheran Church Quilters recently donated seven handmade quilts to residents at the North Shore Care Center. The quilters are (L-R) Joan Beiber, Eleanor Waha, and Gladys Dockan.

Spring fever has arrived at the North Shore Care Center—despite the April Fools’ Day storm this past week. Warmer weather, longer days of sunlight, and melting snow is coming soon! In the meantime, the residents will work on indoor planting, Easter crafts, and filling eggs for the community hunt.

April is always a busy month for elders as they prepare for the annual Spring Fling Sale on May 1. There will be grab bags to get ready and lots of craft and baking projects going on—including homemade dog biscuits for Dog Appreciation Month.

The monthly birthday party will be held on Wednesday, April 9 to honor Trudy Boyd, Esther Sorlie, and Delores McLean. Cake and ice cream will be served at 3 p.m. with piano classics by Doug Sanders.

The Grand Marais Lioness Club will host their monthly social for residents with special desserts on Saturday, April 19 at 3 p.m., along with favorite piano tunes by Irene Thompson.

Additional live music in April will include Myron Bursheim on Sundays, Irene Thompson on Mondays, Al Fuller on Tuesdays, and Susan Scherer on Wednesdays. The classic country band Portage will perform for a dance on April 26 at 6:30 p.m. Families, friends, and community members are always welcome to attend.



There will be special Lenten and Easter services this month, as well as a lunch outing to the Senior Center on April 17.

Spring cleanup is scheduled to begin indoors and outdoors during the week of Earth Day and Arbor Day. We welcome a new group of students from David Liechty’s Social Studies class for a service learning project to help clean up the patios.

April 6-12 is National Volunteer Week—a time to recognize the efforts of volunteers at the local, state, and national levels. The residents and staff want to thank our dedicated volunteers for all the extraordinary things they do all year. The annual Volunteer Brunch will be held on May 28 this year.

The Arrowhead Retired Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) had a total of 7,632 hours of service in Cook County last year. The RSVP hours served at the Care Center station totaled 917 hours. Great job!

There are volunteer opportunities for all ages at North Shore Care Center. For more information about activity programs or volunteer opportunities, please contact the Activity Department at 218- 387-3518 or visit the website:

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