Since 1974, whenever federal and state agencies have needed clarification regarding statutes and regulations, attorneys and courts have turned to Legislative Intent Service, Inc. (LIS) for all-encompassing research of legislative and administrative intent and historical perspective. In a September 9, 2019 article, “What Are The Functions Of Government?,” LSI defined, “A government’s basic functions are to provide leadership, maintain order, protect the natural [God given] rights of its citizens, defend against external enemies, and manage economic conditions.”
The reality is, the more we know about the role of government, the more conspicuous any deviation; and the more we know about the constitutional structure of government, the more glaring its absence when sidestepped.
It shouldn’t come as a surprise, therefore, to anyone paying attention, that this administration has failed in its guardianship of all five defined roles.
Managing economic conditions
Government should create a favorable environment for personal well-being and economic growth. Lamentably, recent news that inflation is far outstripping growth in personal income and reaching a level not seen since the beginning of 1991, can do little to bolster one’s sense of good fortune.
Defend against external enemies
As a nation, we are experiencing turmoil both internally and externally.
Rather than avert and resolve local and regional conflicts to preserve peace and minimize harm to the national interests of the United States, this administration chooses to foster conflict.
An August 18th article posted in The New York Times reported that British officials are “embarrassed and embittered” at Biden’s Afghanistan disaster; exposing he’s more bystander than world leader.
Protect the natural (God given) rights of its citizens
While COVID continues to be propagated as a medical crisis. It is also a commensurate crisis endangering our civil liberties.
This administration has stripped citizen’s of these basis human rights, including the right to consent, under the guise of one emergency after another.
Führer Fauci’s fickle fascination with face masks continues to confound. The only thing the Chief Medical Advisor has managed to control during this “pandemic” is the easily taken in public’s perception.
Maintain order
I won’t even get into the issue of civil disorder and the charlatan charade of this administration.
Provide leadership
President Biden said he would bring America back. Back to what? Since Biden resolutely affirmed on January 20th, 2021—to the best of his ability—“to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States,” he seems to be doing everything he can to carry out just the opposite.
There is no question we are trending in the wrong direction. We are overwhelmed and underhelmed with a command-in-chief who unashamedly demonstrates he’s in over his head.
“When those who do right grow stronger, the people are glad. But when those who do wrong become rulers, the people groan.” — Proverbs 29:2
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