Garry Gamble
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Things our daughter taught me
Garry Gamble | September 24, 2021
This will be the last column I am indulged to pen for the Cook County News Herald. The time has come, not by volition but by submission, to quiet the opposing voice under carefully cast malignment. Since my first “Letter to the Editor,” in March of 2014, I have been privileged to lend my voice in hopes it, in some... READ MORE >

Freedom isn’t free
Garry Gamble | September 17, 2021
For more than 240 years, peoples the world over have been inspired to risk everything in pursuit of the ideals embodied in our country’s Declaration of Independence–the belief that all people are born with the right to freedom. Jefferson framed it in these now familiar words: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that... READ MORE >

Over-reaching canopies
Garry Gamble | September 10, 2021
After surviving Y2K and the much ballyhooed transition into the 21st century, my wife, Renée, and I traveled to the Chamonix region in France to sequester ourselves in a quaint alpine chalet perched high in the French Alps. Spending the better part of an afternoon traversing the narrow mountain roads, we eventually arrived at our modest villa only to find... READ MORE >

Overwhelmed and underhelmed
Garry Gamble | September 03, 2021
Since 1974, whenever federal and state agencies have needed clarification regarding statutes and regulations, attorneys and courts have turned to Legislative Intent Service, Inc. (LIS) for all-encompassing research of legislative and administrative intent and historical perspective. In a September 9, 2019 article, “What Are The Functions Of Government?,” LSI defined, “A government’s basic functions are to provide leadership, maintain order,... READ MORE >

We growl like bears and mourn like doves
Garry Gamble | August 27, 2021
In addition to writing some of the most eloquent, theologically significant, and historically influential poetry in the Bible, the prophet Isaiah often found himself front-page news in his day. Let’s just say the guy had a way with words …both written and spoken. The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia substantiates this with their claim that, “For versatility of expression and brilliance... READ MORE >

The use of power
Garry Gamble | August 20, 2021
An interesting item came up for auction last week: A signed written request from Supreme Court Chief Justice Robert B. Taney to President John Tyler. First some context … At fifty-one years of age, Tyler became the tenth President of the United States, following the untimely death of President William Henry Harrison who, on his 32nd day, became the first... READ MORE >

“Drawing Life”
Garry Gamble | August 13, 2021
Back in the late nineties, David Hillel Gelernter, an associate professor of Computer Science at Yale, authored a book titled, Drawing Life; a title that immediately drew me in when I spotted it on the bookshelf at the local bookstore. Some of you may recall Gelernter, one morning in June 1993, was nearly killed by a mail bomb. The perpetrator... READ MORE >

Garry Gamble | August 06, 2021
In 1971, with American public opinion decisively set against the war in Vietnam, British musician John Lennon, of early 1960s Beatles’ fame, released his classic song “Imagine.” “Imagine there’s no countries, it isn’t hard to do; nothing to kill or die for, and no religion, too …” Ironically, the concept behind Lennon’s melodramatic song was inspired by a Christian prayer... READ MORE >

Public Opinion and Government
Garry Gamble | July 30, 2021
By its very nature, the political process motivates citizens to form opinions on a number of issues. Almost any matter has the potential to become a “hot potato” if a significant number of people—or the government itself—wish to make it one. Whether public opinion is regarded as a constructive or a destructive force in a “free” republic, there are few... READ MORE >

New smartphone app
Garry Gamble | July 23, 2021
On the heels of the new smartphone COVIDExposure Warning Application, which enables your Public Health Authority (collectively defined as government or public health power brokers) to notify you of possible exposure to COVID-19, comes another ingenious smartphone app: The “Truth Exposure Warning Application.” This strictly progressive prompt enables the government or public media influence peddlers to warn you should you... READ MORE >