Cook County News Herald

Northwoods Fiber Guild celebrates 34 years “Through Our Hands VI” exhibition



The Northwoods Fiber Guild in Grand Marais, Minnesota will celebrate a milestone anniversary this year. The organization began in 1988 when a small group of knitters, weavers, spinners, and other fiber enthusiasts from Cook County gathered to share ideas, foster support, and eventually establish the Northwoods Fiber Guild. The vision of the original founders was to provide assistance and promote educational opportunities for members and the community.

Thirty-four years later and still growing, the NFG continues their mission as “A non-profit organization for charitable, scientific, and education purposes, encouraging people to explore creativity with fibers in all varied forms.” Membership includes 60 fiber artists along the North Shore from Duluth to Thunder Bay, Canada.

Member interest varies from producing personal hand-made items to demonstrating fiber crafts at local events, displaying artwork at galleries, and teaching classes. Engaging young people has been a focus of NFG by providing hands-on activities at public and charter schools, North House Folk School, and the Grand Marais Art Colony. NFG has sponsored national fiber instructors for workshops and offers scholarships to its members.



NFG members enjoy sharing their love of fiber crafts with the community to promote knowledge and appreciation for age-old fiber arts from traditional to modern trends. NFG had the honor of hosting two state conferences as part of the Minnesota Federation of Weavers Guilds & Fiber Artists – which were definite high points for the guild and the Minnesota Federation. The conferences were held at Wolf Ridge Environmental Center in Finland, Minnesota and in 2004 at the Grand Portage Community Center in Grand Portage.

Other special events in past years include the annual NFG Holiday Sales, participation at Grand Marais Art Festivals, the ECO Small Footprint Living Fair, Cook County Fairs, Hovland Art Festival, North House Wooden Boat Show, participation at the Cook County Market, and a 2022 Earth Day event. NFG has also been featured at art exhibitions entitled “Through Our Hands” at the Johnson Heritage Post Gallery every three years since 2002.



What started as a simple idea has grown into an active community of fiber artists extending beyond borders. Their common thread is a commitment to creativity, workmanship, education, and a shared passion about fiber crafts with each other and the community. NFG extends a sincere thank you to organizations that contributed and networked with them through the years and to all those who helped along the way.

In 2019 the NFG felters group received a Great Places grant to create the “Felted Forest” in a wooded area next to the Elementary School and Arrowhead Center for the Arts. NFG continues to contribute to the community with special projects such as sewing book bags for the Grand Marais Library, and over a thousand face masks for local businesses and schools during the CoVid pandemic.

Northwoods Fiber Guild is excited to celebrate 34 Years at their next art exhibit entitled “Through Our Hands VI” at the Johnson Heritage Post Art Gallery in Grand Marais, Minnesota June 24-July 17. Join NFG at their Opening Reception June 24 from 5-7 p.m. to enjoy appetizers & beverages.

For more information about NFG and upcoming events, please contact Facebook @ Northwoods Fiber Guild or go to

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