The first sentence is the most important.
I watched a movie last night in which there was a quote that said, “The first sentence is the most important”. Well, everything I write and say is the most important except for when it isn’t. If you know me, you know I am “full of it” seventy five percent of the time, but that other twenty five percent you had better be listening as it could be very important and it could change your life.
According to the Perk National Cappuccino Day was November 9th. In the Perk we learned Kopi Luwak is considered to be the rarest and most expensive coffee in the world. Grown in Indonesia, it costs about $400/pound or $50/ cup.
Traditionally prepared with espresso, hot milk, and steamed milk foam, a cappuccino is a popular Italian coffee drink that’s made its way into many people’s morning routine. The word cappuccino comes from the Capuchin friars and is a variation of the Italian word Cappuccino, meaning hood or something that covers the head. The beverage got its name, however, not from the hood on the friars’ habits but from the brown color of the hooded robes that the friars wore.
Cappuccino is now widely available thanks to the popularity of upscale coffee houses like Java Moose in Grand Marais. We are just going to have to call the AEOA bus and head on down to Java Moose to have us a cup as you know we like coffee and maybe we will like cappuccino?
Birthdays, parties, loads of fun and resident passing
Jackie McKenzie and Joyce Hagen celebrated their birthdays this month. Doug Sanders played the piano, and we had homemade chocolate cake with ganache icing made by yours truly and of course coffee. We played many hangman games this month. One week was dedicated to a pirate theme complete with pirate hats, Booty popcorn and of course pirates had rum. I like to put out hangman themes on Facebook and use many of the responses I get back. The residents got hung on telescope this go round. They really do quite well guessing the words and it is so good to engage their brains while having fun and laughing.
Portage Band came in and played for us on the 18th much to the resident’s delight. It was so good to have the band back after two years. We missed them so much. Music is such a big part of people’s lives, and we wouldn’t have it any other way.
Iris Shepard had the closest guess to the number of candy corns in the jar. She was off by one corn. Delores Saethre won Thanksgiving Bingo coverall and was the lucky winner of Tom the turkey as a guest in her room for a week. During one Bingo adventure Yvonne Smith won coverall on both of her boards at the same time.
Our friend Mr. Bill Butz passed away on November 1st. He was the father of Steve Butz, who is a mechanic at the county garage. When Bill first came to North Shore Living, he said, “Everybody should love a marching band” and proceeded to beat out John Phillips Sousa with his feet. Bill was a quiet, polite, sweet and gentle soul. His presence is missed around here very much.
Much appreciation
Thank you to the Honor Guard for coming up on Veterans Day, thank you to Empty Bowls for giving us such delicious treats. Thank you to those that have given to our bicycle built for two account.
We are so thankful for our November volunteers Linda Harsdorf, Penny Ortmann, Ken Netland, Sharon Brenner, Doug Sander, Diane Nowers, Dick Bockovich, Chet Lindskog, Lavona Czaplicki, Grand Portage Band, Kimber Wraalstad, Mary, Mark and Hank Glasnapp, Ben Nikodym, my Facebook fans, Carrie Framsted and Anne Deneen. We wouldn’t be having as much fun as we do without you. You are appreciated. If I missed anyone, I am sorry.
Would you like to volunteer? Maybe you have an hour to come spend with someone playing a game or reading to them. Like to decorate? We have started the process. We are always looking for baked goods. As Nadine says, “I never can just drink coffee. I have to have something to go with it.” All of our residents are fun. Come and see why. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Lisa in Activities. 218-387-3518.
We are still looking for donations for our motorized bicycle built for two. Donations can be mailed to: Lisa Bloomquist North Shore Living 515 5th Ave W Grand Marais, MN 55604
Perk pun
The defendant in a coffee theft trial refused to testify on the grounds that could incriminate him.
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