Lisa Bloomquist
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Memorial Day Memories 2023
Lisa Bloomquist | July 07, 2023
“My parents took care of us, and we didn’t even know a war was on. We had a garden, lived on a farm and we never went without. We got 2nd hand clothes from relatives.” “I remember being in the band and playing for everyone. My dad was a Veteran; he was in the Coast Guard. My Grandpa’s family were... READ MORE >

Is summer ever going to come?
Lisa Bloomquist | May 05, 2023
April came and went, but it forgot to take the wind and cold weather with it. Will we ever get sun and nice weather to enjoy the outdoors? Birthdays, Bingo Winners, Community Service and Arnie Palmers Nona Smith and Ann Williams celebrated their birthdays at our monthly birthday party. On Nona’s actual birthday I asked her if we should sing... READ MORE >

Fun in the sun
Lisa Bloomquist | April 07, 2023
To get rid of a few of our winter doldrums we had a Fun in the Sun themed week from March 13-17. Monday one of our residents was busy painting bikinis on cardboard for whoever wanted to enter our bikini parade when she received a phone call. The caller asked her what she’s doing, and she nonchalantly answered, “Oh I’m... READ MORE >

Happenings in North Shore Living at North Shore Health
Lisa Bloomquist | March 10, 2023
Ground Hogs and Polar Bears Well Phil the groundhog saw his shadow. Perhaps he should be eaten? According to the Perk, it was International Polar Bear Day on February 27th. Polar bears shouldn’t be eaten, but don’t go camping in their territory or you possibly will be. We learned that polar bears are one of the few large carnivores still... READ MORE >

Not everything goes as planned
Lisa Bloomquist | February 10, 2023
Nothing came to me as a witty opening line for this month’s North Shore Living newsletter, so I decided to unfold the January activity calendar I had in my pocket and use the first thing I saw as the title. Well, the first thing I saw as I gazed upon it is that it unfolded, upside down. That’s how life... READ MORE >

Wild and Whacky Times at North Shore Living
Lisa Bloomquist | January 13, 2023
This past month at North Shore Living we had some wild and whacky times. Along with all of our usual activities we made lots of cookies, had lots of parties and did a lot of decorating. We held a facility wide craft, plant and goodie sale on Friday, Dec 9th raising money we put towards new Christmas trees for next... READ MORE >

North Shore Living News December 2022
Lisa Bloomquist | December 09, 2022
The first sentence is the most important. I watched a movie last night in which there was a quote that said, “The first sentence is the most important”. Well, everything I write and say is the most important except for when it isn’t. If you know me, you know I am “full of it” seventy five percent of the time,... READ MORE >

According to the Perk
Lisa Bloomquist | November 11, 2022
If any of you know me, you know I love chickens. According to the Perk, World Egg Day is a unique way to raise awareness of the benefits of eggs. Residents at North Shore Living learned eggs play an important role feeding families around the world. Eggs are unbeatable for versatility and top-quality protein. They are an excellent source of... READ MORE >

Senior News
Lisa Bloomquist | October 28, 2022
Fall is in the Air Well, fall is leaving us in a real quick hurry. We took every advantage of being out on our patio enjoying the last of the warm sunshine before the snow starts flying. This month we enjoyed armchair travel to Mexico complete with chips and salsa plus burritos for dinner, and a hot game of things... READ MORE >

Ice Cream, Jokes and Lemonade
Lisa Bloomquist | July 29, 2022
As it was National Ice Cream month, we didn’t prove them wrong. Every chance we had we were eating ice cream. We had ice cream bars, ice cream cones, root beer floats, and hot fudge sundaes to name a few. Friday, July 1 was International Joke Telling Day. Laughter is one of the only tools that can get us through... READ MORE >