Kay Rosenthal
The North Shore Care Center begins its Golden Anniversary activities this Sunday, March 8 with an open house from 1-4 p.m. March 8 marks 50 years to the day that the newly constructed 24-bed nursing home was first introduced in 1965 to the citizens of Cook County. Many community members may recall the excitement surrounding the opening of the new addition connected to the hospital. It was reported that several hundred people toured the new building.
The Resident Council and Hospital Auxiliary invite you to join us at the 50th Open House. There will be scrapbooks, photo displays, and music, along with carrot cake, punch and coffee. Watch for more commemorative events coming up during our golden year.
The month of March also marks Daylight Saving Time, St. Patrick’s Day, and the first day of spring. The residents look forward to starting indoor gardening projects, and filling a few thousand plastic eggs for the annual community Easter Egg Hunt—a fundraiser for Kids Plus. A lunch outing is also planned to the Senior Center later this month.

A music recital was performed at the North Shore Care Center by Cook County home schooled students in February. There was a receptive audience of parents, residents, and of course their teachers—Laura Laky and Natashia White. The students perform two recitals each year at the Care Center. (L-R, front) Olive and Willow White, Martine Redshaw, Olya Wright, Asher and Emily Fincel. (L-R, back) Abby Muntean, Janson Fincel, Hannah and Abby Muntean.
A birthday party will be held on Wednesday, March 11 to honor Ron Anderson, Lorraine Wipson, and Bob Heideman. Plenty of cake and ice cream will be served at 3 p.m. along with classic piano music by Doug Sanders.
There will be some fun St. Patty’s festivities happening, which include painting wooden shamrocks, Pot of Gold Bingo, and Lucky 7 games. On Tuesday, March 17, there will be a corned beef and cabbage lunch with a special performance by The Flute Reed Ramblers at 3:30 p.m.
The Grand Marais Lioness Club will host their monthly social for residents on Saturday, March 21 at 3 p.m. with delicious desserts for everyone. Irene Thompson will play traditional Irish tunes on the piano, too.
The band Portage will perform their classic country music for a dance on Saturday, March 28 at 6:30 p.m. As always, families, friends, and community members are welcome to join in the fun.
Additional live music this month features Myron Bursheim on Sundays, Irene Thompson on Mondays, Al Fuller on Tuesdays, Susan Scherer on Wednesdays, and occasionally Harris Mills on Fridays. A special thanks to Max Bichel for standing in last month to play some great fiddle music. We truly appreciate all of our wonderful musicians!
For more information about upcoming activities or volunteer opportunities at Cook County North Shore Hospital and Care Center, please contact the Activity Department at (218) 387-3518 or our website: www.nshorehospital.com.
Cook County has a vibrant and active community of elders. Each week we will offer Senior News to highlight our senior citizens. This week’s submission is about the North Shore Care Center, courtesy of Kay Rosenthal.
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