April came and went, but it forgot to take the wind and cold weather with it. Will we ever get sun and nice weather to enjoy the outdoors?
Birthdays, Bingo Winners, Community Service and Arnie Palmers
Nona Smith and Ann Williams celebrated their birthdays at our monthly birthday party. On Nona’s actual birthday I asked her if we should sing to her again and she replied with a laugh, “No, I’m old enough already”.
Ladies were busy little bunnies filling over 2,000 Easter eggs for kid to find at the Community Center. We had lots of laughs, sang some songs, did a little reminiscing and of course sampled a little candy.
April coverall Bingo winners are Delores Saethre, Linda Johnson, Bev Denyes, Nona Smith, Char Anderson and Joyce Hagen. Winners receive a certificate for one free item from our general store.
Activity Assistant Carrie Framsted improvised a mini golf tournament. Residents had fun using their mad putting skills trying to get a hole-in-one. I do believe there were a few mulligans and a few hook shots. Linda Johnson came out top scorer. Look out Tiger Woods. We went to the clubhouse for good old-fashioned Arnie Palmers after the game.

Volunteer Linda Harsdorf spending precious time with Ruth Lovaas. Photos courtesy of Lisa Bloomquist
Celebrating Volunteers
April 16-21 was National Volunteer week. We had a rousing appreciation Bingo game and gave our volunteers a keychain which says “may you be proud of the work you do, the person you are, and the difference you make” as a token of appreciation. We would like to thank: Linda Harsdorf for doing weekly manicures, reading, watering plants and visiting with residents, donating candy, baking and other fun things you do.
Sharon Brenner for all the laughs, passing out mail, assisting with monthly birthday parties, using lots of energy while tossing balls during weekly chair exercises and of course for serving up coffee during coffee club.
Ken Netland for helping with church services, exercise group, assisting with Bingo, serving coffee, and of course for being a dance partner during the highlight of our month at the Portage Band dance.
Jo Anne Krause for helping us do crafts.
Dick Bockovich for assisting with Bingo.
Chet Lindskog for being our professional Bingo caller.
Diane Nowers, for fresh flowers, reading to us, helping with games and being someone we can call on.
Becky Kayser for helping decorate at Christmas and being willing to help out when we need it.
Rhonda Silence for helping with exercise, Bingo and visiting with our residents.
Patsy Smith for being a willing participant in all our shenanigans.
Jane Ranum for being a good sport and helping with games.
Barb Wright, our professional baker.
Kaleb and Tonya Klegstad for bringing us yummy treats.
Penny Ortman for sharing fun stories and poems with us.
Al Alexander for providing weekly Bible studies and communion.
Mary, Mark and Hank Glassnapp for helping with Dominoes, other games, parties, and crafts.
First Congregational, Zoar Lutheran, Evangelical Free Church for wonderful much needed church services.
Lavona Czaplicki for piano music and crafts.
Doug Sanders for piano music at our monthly birthday parties.
Portage Boys band-Jim Spry, Arvid Dahl, Butch Deschampe, Joe Peterson and Jacob McCormick.
Tom Novotny and his one-man band.
Harris Mills and his guitar.
And thank you to our very own Anne DeNeen for taking care of our bird aviary.
You are all appreciated. We wouldn’t have as much fun as we do without your willingness to share some of you and your time with us.
We are still looking for volunteers to come play a game on Saturday or Sunday afternoon around 2 p.m. and we need someone to help tend gardens if we ever get nice weather.
Senior Shenanigans
A nurse was rubbing lotion on a resident’s legs. A Nursing Assistant walks by and the resident says to her, “You wish you were me, don’t you?”
A resident said to a staff member “Do you have any of your baby pictures? I bet you were a beautiful baby.”
After taking a resident’s vital signs the resident says to the nurse, “Next time I’m gonna charge ya.”
A nurse walked into a resident’s room early AM.
Nurse says: “Good morning sunshine!” Resident: “Excuse me?”
Nurse: “I said, good morning sunshine!” Resident: “Yup, I just wanted to hear it twice.”
We can still use volunteers to visit, read, or take a stroll with residents. Give me a call at 218-387-3518.
To the community thank you for all you do for us. We appreciate you.
As always, we like baby and animal baby visits and goodies. Until next month remember old age ain’t for sissies.
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