Cook County News Herald




In 1971, with American public opinion decisively set against the war in Vietnam, British musician John Lennon, of early 1960s Beatles’ fame, released his classic song “Imagine.”

“Imagine there’s no countries, it isn’t hard to do; nothing to kill or die for, and no religion, too …”

Ironically, the concept behind Lennon’s melodramatic song was inspired by a Christian prayer book given to Lennon by comedian Dick Gregory—if you can imagine that.

Given Lennon’s “Imagine” asks us to play a “what if ” game, let’s imagine a world without bioethics. While not very rhapsodic, the concept is, without question, timely.

So what is bioethics?

It’s the study of the ethical issues emerging from advances in biology and medicine. Also referred to as biomedical ethics. It is moral discernment or understanding as it relates to medical policy and practice.

Suggests Doctor of Ministry Thomas R. McCormick (1934-2021), former Senior Lecturer Emeritus, Dept. Bioethics and Humanities, School of Medicine, University of Washington, “Ethical choices, both minor and major, confront us every day in the provision of health care for persons with diverse values living in a pluralistic and multicultural society. In the face of such diversity, where can we find moral action guides when there is confusion or conflict about what ought to be done?”

Continues McCormick, “In 1979, Tom Beauchamp (1939 – present), an American philosopher specializing in moral philosophy, and bioethics, who served as Senior Research Scholar at the Kennedy Institute of Ethics, and James Childress (1940 – present), a philosopher and theologian whose scholarship addresses ethics, particularly biomedical ethics, published the first edition of Principles of Biomedical Ethics, now in its seventh edition (2013).”

Beauchamp and Childress convey, “It is generally held that these principles can be applied, even in unique circumstances, to provide guidance in discovering our moral duties within that situation.”

“Our moral duties within that situation …”

Since the emergence of COVID-19 into our fragile world, bioethics, moral duty, and the extent to which an action is right or wrong, all seem to have disintegrated amidst the all-powerful narcotic of fear. Dare I say fear has become the secret political weapon, the Trojan Horse penetrating the fortification of our lives.

Dr. Robert Malone, inventor of the messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccine platform, is one of the most qualified individuals to speak to the benefits and potential risks of this technology. Dr. Malone submits, “The COVID-19 injection campaign violates bioethics laws.”

Malone recently went public with concerns about the safety of rolling out this kind of technology on a mass scale, and the unethical ways in which “vaccinations” are being promoted.

Malone underscores, “I have intimate knowledge of not only the emergency use authorization legislation, [and] the FDA policies behind it, I even know the people that wrote it. Since the COVID shots only have emergency use authorization, they are experimental products and, as such, they are not authorized for marketing.”

Bioethics are plainly written into federal law.

As an experimental trial participant, which is what everyone is at the moment who accepts a COVID shot, you have the right to receive full disclosure of any adverse event risks. Based on that disclosure, you then have the right to decide whether you want to participate. Full disclosure of risks is not being done, and in fact is being suppressed.

Adverse event risks must also be communicated in a way that you can comprehend what the risks are, and the acceptance of an experimental product must be fully voluntary and uncoerced. Enticement is strictly forbidden.

“Fully voluntary, uncoerced and enticement is strictly forbidden …”

Writes Dr. Joseph Mercola, “While Malone is not interested in speculating about the intentions behind all this malfeasance, he’s intimately familiar with the power of Big Pharma to manipulate governments,” noting, “several of the COVID injection makers have a rich history of illegal activity and unethical behavior, and now they have been given free rein to do as they please.

“They’ve been completely absolved from liability if and when something goes wrong with these injections, and governments are enticing and bullying citizens to participate in Big Pharma’s experiment.

“Vaccine makers have nothing to lose by marketing their experimental COVID- 19 shots, even if they cause serious injury and death, as they enjoy full indemnity against injuries occurring from COVID-19 vaccines or any other pandemic vaccine under the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (PREP) Act, passed in the U.S. in 2005.

“It mirrors what we’re seeing across the world, where governments are taking liberties with people’s health and their rights without real legislative authorization to do so in most cases.”

As I expressed earlier, while Lennon’s “Imagine” asks us to merely imagine— to play a “what if ” game, we’ve reached the point where we certainly do not need to “imagine a world without biomedical ethics. The harsh reality is, that world is here.

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