Cook County News Herald

Happenings in North Shore Living at North Shore Health



Ground Hogs and Polar Bears

Well Phil the groundhog saw his shadow. Perhaps he should be eaten? According to the Perk, it was International Polar Bear Day on February 27th. Polar bears shouldn’t be eaten, but don’t go camping in their territory or you possibly will be. We learned that polar bears are one of the few large carnivores still found in roughly their original habitat, range and in some places their original numbers. Global pressures will have an impact on their population especially as the ice melts in Northeast Canada and in Northern Greenland. Globally, polar bears are projected to decrease in numbers by 30 percent by 2050. Do you know that even though polar bears skin is black their fur appears white, yet it has no white pigment? An interesting fact is their hair is made of hollow tubes filled with air.

Games and fun

Speaking of being filled with air, one fine day we were playing a game “Things that are” and then each resident gives an answer. When we got to “things that are gray” most residents said their hair. “Things that are old” most said, “Me.” Sometimes it’s so funny what they come up with. Things that are sticky “a situation”. Things that are green “envy.” Things that are hard “answering these questions.” One resident had the same answer for every question. Eventually you’d think their answer would fit the question though no answer is ever wrong. Things That Are…. is a really fun family or group game to play. Try it sometime. We love playing Bingo and play twice a week. The residents would play Bingo every single day if they could. February Bingo coverall winners are Nadine Able, Pat Backlund, Char Anderson, Joyce Hagen, Delores Saethre, Yvonne Smith and, Irene Peterson. Doris Blank celebrated her birthday with a group of friends, Yvonne Smith shared a delicious white cake with raspberry filling made by Renae with residents and staff. Pat’s family came and spent time with her having cake and coffee. Every Friday we have Happy Hour. Do you have time to come share your music talents with us on a Friday afternoon? Let me know.

Residents listening to Portage Band.

Residents listening to Portage Band.



Fresh baked bread

We asked for bread makers last month and boy did we get them. We received four bread machines so I’m seriously thinking we shall start a bread baking business for family and staff. Doesn’t the thought of fresh baking bread wafting in the air bring bake memories of childhood? Yum. I loved when my mom would bake bread and we got to eat a bit hot out of the oven with butter and brown sugar on it. Thank you so much to those of you who brought us a bread maker.

Young Finch for sale and cages needed

Due to our up north location, we are no longer in Living Design’s service area for bird aviary maintenance. Anne Deneen, whose mother is a resident at North Shore Living, has graciously taken over care of our aviary. Anne’s mother, Ethel Walsh, supervises the care of the birds. This being said, we frequently have young finch needing new homes. We are selling the young finch for $ 15 with proceeds going towards aviary care. If you are interested in obtaining a finch or two give me a call or email. If you have a reliable bird cage or two collecting dust, we would be interested in obtaining them so we can help people get new companions.

Young finch for sale.

Young finch for sale.

The month of March we are going to take a summer break from winter and do a week of beach themed activities. Stay tuned until next month when you hear about our fun antics. Bikinis are involved.

As always, we would like to thank our volunteers. A huge thank you to the Portage Boys. The Portage Band seems to be the highlight of most resident’s month. We wouldn’t have as much fun as we do without you. We can still use more volunteers. Anyone like to play cribbage, knows how to play the piano or likes to bake? You could either come bake with a few residents or share some baked goods.

Residents enjoying Happy Hour and getting a little trivia knowledge with Erik Pignolet.

Residents enjoying Happy Hour and getting a little trivia knowledge with Erik Pignolet.

Remember to play the game Things That Are, don’t camp in polar bear territory and old age ain’t for sissies.

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