The Grand Portage Elders had a wonderful time at the Wisdom Steps Conference. This year it was held in Hinckley at the Grand Casino. We had an opportunity to visit with old friends, attend interesting and informative workshop sessions, speak our language, interact with young people and enjoy great music and food.
There were 28 from Grand Portage attending this year. This year’s youth helpers were Kyler Deschampe and Jason Christenson. The youngest member of the Grand Portage entourage was baby Nehemiah McCormick who traveled with his mother, Tribal Secretary- Treasurer April McCormick, and dad, Jake McCormick.
Grand Portage had one of the largest numbers of participants at Wisdom Steps and was highly successful winning top honors for their walking efforts. Grand Portage teams took fourth and first place in this year’s walking contest. Elder Ralph Tesser won the cribbage tournament. ENP Director Patricia Winchell-Dahl was nominated for the “Allen Allery Award” and won the award, receiving a beautiful plaque and an honor song at the awards banquet.
Also that night we received notification that Marie Spry, Wisdom Steps board chair, won election to our Tribal Council. What a blessing for all of us and our hard work.
The Elders ended this school year by celebrating their volunteer efforts. The Elder “Reading with Kids Program” volunteers enjoyed lunch with the Oshki Ogimaag students, handing out reading certificates, ice cream cones and a donation for their library. Several Elders volunteered at the annual Kids Day event and at the Wellness Fair with our American Legion members cooking all the food.
The summer marches on with many activities in July and August. Preparations have already started for Rendezvous Days as we are processing fish for our food stand.
Plans are being discussed for an end of the summer trip for Elders. Several destinations and events are being suggested.
The Elders are holding a Pink Shawlmaking event on Saturday, July 7, to honor breast cancer survivors.
In July we will go berry picking in Canada, participate with “Age to Age” events, host the West End Elders for lunch, continue with our exercise programs and gardening and take local “Rez Rides.”
We are a very active group of Elders that celebrates life and all the seasons!
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