The Northwoods Fiber Guild will once again teach fiber-art classes to children and adults during the annual Northern Fibers Retreat at North House Folk School. It is the eighth year for this fiber-filled event, which takes place February 14-18.
The retreat is a collaborative effort of three local organizations in Cook County – North House Folk School, Grand Marais Art Colony, and Northwoods Fiber Guild.
A popular program designed specifically for families at the retreat is “Fibers for Kids” classes offered by NFG members on Saturday, February 17, from 9:30-11:30 a.m. It features a variety of hands-on fiber projects for kids age 7 and up. Participants young and old get to experience fun with fibers – and each other in a unique learning environment.
This year, students will learn how to felt wool into finger puppets, weave mug rugs on a four-harness loom, create circular yarn mobiles, make one-of-a-kind Suminigashi ink marbling prints on paper, learn Kumihimo braiding techniques, and construct a tangram puzzle with felt. Everyone leaves with at least four completed projects.
The tuition for these classes has not changed over the past eight years. The cost is still $15 per adult/child plus $5 for each additional child. There is a 25 percent local discount of $11.25, as well as scholarships available from the Northwoods Fiber Guild.
NFG instructors involved with the kids’ program this year are Nancy Haarmeyer, Mary MacDonald, Denise Martin, Kris MacPherson, Penny Ortmann, Carol Evenson, and Kay Rosenthal. Several other guild members will be teaching eight adult fiber courses during the retreat. Adult classes include Needle Felting: Repair or Embellishment, plus Nuno Felting: Scarves & Wraps by Elise Kyllo; Beaded Doilies by Marci McIntire; Lucet Braiding by Nancy Haarmeyer and Tom McCann; Penny Rugs: Woolen Mosaics, plus Bookbinding: Fiber Journal by Karen Smaby; and Sewing Deerhide Baby Booties, plus Beaded Embroidery: The Pin Series by Jo Wood.
The NFG members will also host a fiber “Show & Share” session on Friday, February 16 at the Art Colony from 7:30-8:30 p.m. All are welcome to bring their fiber art to share and to enjoy tasty desserts and beverages.
For more information about all of the courses and community gatherings going on during the 2018 Northern Fibers Retreat, contact North House Folk School to register. Call 888-387- 9762 or visit the website
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