Cook County News Herald

Fall fun at Care Center

Residents of the North Shore Care Center enjoyed a recent visit to the Cook County Historical Society Lighthouse Museum. It was a great day to sit on the deck, eat fresh donuts, and appreciate the view. Dori Betts presented information about the Way of the Waters exhibit and showed an impressive documentary about the ship America. (L-R, front) Joyce Kehoe, Kay Rosenthal, Bernice LeGarde, Jane Backstrom, Janet Morgan, Nora Bockovich. (L-R, back) Belinda Hudler, Dave Asproth, Bob Heideman, Skip Rouser, Esther and Don Sorlie.

Residents of the North Shore Care Center enjoyed a recent visit to the Cook County Historical Society Lighthouse Museum. It was a great day to sit on the deck, eat fresh donuts, and appreciate the view. Dori Betts presented information about the Way of the Waters exhibit and showed an impressive documentary about the ship America. (L-R, front) Joyce Kehoe, Kay Rosenthal, Bernice LeGarde, Jane Backstrom, Janet Morgan, Nora Bockovich. (L-R, back) Belinda Hudler, Dave Asproth, Bob Heideman, Skip Rouser, Esther and Don Sorlie.

Summer is going by quickly for residents at the North Shore Care Center. It has been filled with a lot of fun time outdoors for daily activities, picnics, and outings in the community.

We lucked out with good weather for all of our outings so far–and look forward to more of the same in September. There will be a fishing trip to Caribou Lake, a shopping trip downtown, lunch at the senior center, and a leaf tour up to Maple Hill.

September is back to school month, the autumnal equinox, National Apple Month, Honey Month, and Harvest Month. The first day of fall officially arrives on September 23, which means the start of fall craft projects and baking season.

The monthly birthday party will be celebrated on Wednesday, September 10 to honor Bernice LeGarde, Sweeney Croft, and Deb Berry. Cake and ice cream will be served at 3 p.m. with piano classics by Doug Sanders.

The Grand Marais Lioness Club will once again be hosting their monthly socials on the third Saturday of the month beginning September 20. There will be special desserts for everyone at 3 p.m., along with favorite piano tunes by Irene Thompson.

Dogs are welcomed visitors at the North Shore Care Center any day of the year. Marcia Lacey, dog trainer and owner of a golden retriever named Charlie spent time with elders on the patio on Labor Day. (L-R) Bob Heideman, Charlie, and Marcia.

Dogs are welcomed visitors at the North Shore Care Center any day of the year. Marcia Lacey, dog trainer and owner of a golden retriever named Charlie spent time with elders on the patio on Labor Day. (L-R) Bob Heideman, Charlie, and Marcia.

Additional live music in September will feature Myron Bursheim, Al Fuller, Kate Kelnberger, and Susan Scherer. The Flute Reed Ramblers family group will be in on Tuesday, September 23 to play folk music at 3 p.m. As usual, the classic country band Portage will perform for a dance the last Saturday of the month on September 27 at 6:30 p.m. Families, friends, and community members are welcome to attend our music events.

The residents and staff wish to thank the many wonderful volunteers who helped make many of our summer activities possible. You are the best!

For more information about activity programs or volunteer opportunities at the North Shore Care Center, please contact the Activity Department at (218)387-3518 or visit the website:

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