Cook County News Herald

December activities at Care Center



The spirit of giving is always in season at North Shore Care Center thanks to the commitment of over 70 volunteers this past year. The residents count their blessings for family, friends, employees, and community members who give so much.

As the holiday season begins, the giving continues with donations for the Resident Council Holiday Sale and Secret Santa gifts.

Everyone is looking forward to a busy month of activities during December. There will be traditional cookie baking and lefse making, Advent services, a music recital, a jazz concert, Christmas carolers, church groups, and many visitors.

A couple of outings are planned thanks to Arrowhead Transit drivers who keep us on the go every season of the year. Several residents will attend the Borealis Community Concert at Bethlehem Church, plus the annual holiday party at the Senior Center.

December happened to be the 85th birthday of the popular game known as BINGO. Walt Mianowski always makes the game fun and there will be great bingo prizes, too!

There was live music and square dancing going on at the Care Center the day before Thanksgiving. Girl Scout Troop #4070 joined in the fun to learn the Virginia Reel. Florence and George Bloomquist led everyone while the Flute Reed Ramblers performed some real toe tapping tunes.

There was live music and square dancing going on at the Care Center the day before Thanksgiving. Girl Scout Troop #4070 joined in the fun to learn the Virginia Reel. Florence and George Bloomquist led everyone while the Flute Reed Ramblers performed some real toe tapping tunes.

The monthly birthday party will be celebrated on Wednesday, December 10 to honor Nancy Brazell and Victor Roderick. Cake and ice cream will be served at 3 p.m. along with piano music by Doug Sanders.

The Sivertones jazz ensemble will perform on Thursday, December 11 at 5:30 p.m. Additional music during the month will feature Myron Bursheim on Sundays, Irene Thompson on Mondays, Al Fuller on Tuesdays, Susan Scherer on Wednesdays, and sing-alongs with Tina Kraus on Fridays.

Holiday dinner theatres have become a popular tradition at the Care Center. The in-house theatre features classic movies along with special meals. The two holiday favorites this year will be White Christmas on December 11 and Holiday Inn on New Year’s Eve.

The annual Christmas Eve party with families and friends will be December 24 at 2:30 p.m. to welcome Santa and Mrs. Claus with gifts for all!

Marie Jacobson was the proud winner of a 12-pound turkey at the annual Turkey Bingo game at North Shore Care Center before Thanksgiving. Her family, Larry and Elaine Dean were extremely happy and stated, “Mom is still providing for our family.”

Marie Jacobson was the proud winner of a 12-pound turkey at the annual Turkey Bingo game at North Shore Care Center before Thanksgiving. Her family, Larry and Elaine Dean were extremely happy and stated, “Mom is still providing for our family.”

The residents and staff at the North Shore Hospital and Care Center want to wish everyone a joyful Christmas and a Happy New Year! 2015 will mark the 50th anniversary of the Care Center—an important milestone with some special events planned for employees, volunteers, and community partners.

For more information about upcoming activities or volunteer opportunities at Cook County North Shore Hospital & Care Center, please contact the Activity Department at 218- 387-3518 or the website

Cook County has a vibrant and active community of elders. Each week we will offer Senior News to highlight our senior citizens. This week’s submission is about the North Shore Care courtesy of Kay Rosenthal.

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