Cook County News Herald

Care Center springs forward

Since North Shore Care Center residents are somewhat snowbound because of the severe winter weather, they have especially appreciated recent musical guests. Above: On Valentine’s Day, Laura Laky’s piano students presented a recital at the Care Center. (L-R, front) Alexa and Hannah Muntean, Ray Dressely. (L-R, back) Emily Fincel, Abby Muntean, Jason Fincel, Paul Dorr. Left: The Sivertones presented jazzy love songs at the North Shore Care Center for a Valentine’s Dance on February 13. Liz Sivertson and John Gruber have been performing for their family and friends at the Care Center for over five years now.

Since North Shore Care Center residents are somewhat snowbound because of the severe winter weather, they have especially appreciated recent musical guests. Above: On Valentine’s Day, Laura Laky’s piano students presented a recital at the Care Center. (L-R, front) Alexa and Hannah Muntean, Ray Dressely. (L-R, back) Emily Fincel, Abby Muntean, Jason Fincel, Paul Dorr. Left: The Sivertones presented jazzy love songs at the North Shore Care Center for a Valentine’s Dance on February 13. Liz Sivertson and John Gruber have been performing for their family and friends at the Care Center for over five years now.

Will March come in like a lion or a lamb? Whatever the weather brings there will be plenty of music and activities to look forward to all month at North Shore Care Center. Daylight Saving Time and the first day of spring are just around the corner, but the residents and employees at the care center and hospital want to really spring forward this year. They have planned a “Summer Cookout Potluck” for March 4th – on Fat Tuesday. Everyone can dress in summer clothes, enjoy a picnic lunch, and think summer! Later that day is a Mardi Gras dance featuring Dixieland music by the North Shore Community Band at 6:30 p.m.

Additional live music during March will be performed by Myron Bursheim on Sundays, Irene Thompson on Mondays, Al Fuller on Tuesdays and Susan Scherer on Wednesdays.

The award-winning band Portage will also return for a country music dance the last Saturday of the month on March 29 at 6:30 p.m. Families, friends, and community members are welcome to attend.



The monthly birthday party will be held on Wednesday, March 12 to honor Sandra Johnson and Audrey Haring. Cake and ice cream will be served at 3 p.m. with piano classics by Doug Sanders.

There will be some St. Patty’s festivities in March which include craft projects, Pot of Gold Bingo, and a corned beef and cabbage lunch. The Grand Marais Lioness Club will host their monthly social for residents with special desserts on Saturday, March 15 at 3 p.m., along with favorite Irish tunes by Irene Thompson.

Spring officially begins on March 20 with outings planned for shopping downtown and lunch at the Senior Center. Everyone hopes that March “goes out like a lamb,” so that we can get excited about planting and gardening again.

The residents are happy to welcome students from David Liechty’s Social Studies class for a service learning project with the elders. They will be playing Wii sports games and bingo during the month of March.

There are volunteer opportunities for all ages at North Shore Care Center. For more information about activity programs or volunteer opportunities, please contact the Activity Department at (218) 387-3518 or visit the website:

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