The Elderly Nutrition Program has had a very busy spring and summer is looking to be full and productive too. We had several Elders who were able to attend the Second Annual Elder Abuse Conference.
This year it was held in Hinckley at the Grand Casino. Information sessions covered everything from the Four Ws of Abuse to Planning for the Future. Presentations were offered by several organizations including DHS, IHS, Law Enforcement and the Elder Justice Initiative. The Tribal Council sent Deputy Sheriff Gentz and IHS Psychologist Julie Black Elk with us.
Those Elders who attended are planning to hold some group discussions after lunch to talk about elder abuse. What it is, how to report it and who to report it to, how we stop it. Please watch for notices about these discussions.
Our Elders helped sponsor the Stone Bridge drum group with their attendance and participation at the Pow-Wow for Hope. Eight women traveled to Minneapolis to attend this pow-wow, bringing some of the pink shawls they made for breast cancer patients and survivors. This was a very moving pow-wow and we are so very proud of our young drum group. Chi Miigwech to everyone who helped us attend!
We had a wonderful Elders Pow-Wow. So nice to see old friends and dance. Miigwech to the Tribal Council and all the volunteers who made this so very special for us. You make Grand Portage the best home ever!
The winner of the quilt was our own Ron Anderson and Lily Gruber Schultz won the 50/50 raffle, which was $86.50.
On May 14 we had our first “Rez Ride” of the season. Six Elders took the bus and visited the Heritage Center, checking out new displays and getting an update on the mural project, and some watched the movie The Grand Portage Story for the first time. What would a ride be without some pie and coffee? So off to the lodge to enjoy these treats.
May 20 will be our last “Reading with Kids” session. On the 23rd all Elder volunteers with this program are invited to have lunch with the students at their school. We will hand out reading certificates and provide ice cream cones for their dessert. This was once again a very successful volunteer program. Both children and Elders enjoyed their time spent reading together. Friendships were made and these kids have become better readers. Miigwech, Elders!
Tess continues her monthly nutrition information presentations on May 22. These are always great, so plan to sign up for lunch that day.
June will be filled with participation with the Wellness Fair, June 8, the Wisdom Steps Conference June 11- 13, Kids Day June 15, and the mentor program as well as our weekly water aerobics, chair exercise, cribbage games, shopping and the planting of our greenhouse and raised beds. Please consider volunteering for one of these events.
July will bring the Fourth celebration, Grand Marais Art Festival, berry picking in Thunder Bay and hopefully a trip to Gale and Carbine’s cabin. Diane Bennett will once again volunteer her time to help with lunch deliveries Wednesdays, Thurdays, and Fridays during the summer months. It will be great to see her again.
Please welcome back our cook Polly who is returning after rotary cuff surgery and a Chi Miigwech to Cedar and Dama for the terrific jobs they did while Polly was out!
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