Cook County News Herald

Beating cabin fever in February

The residents at the North Shore Care Center bundled up and beat “cabin fever” with fun outings this winter. The Arrowhead Transit bus keeps seniors on the go all year long!

The residents at the North Shore Care Center bundled up and beat “cabin fever” with fun outings this winter. The Arrowhead Transit bus keeps seniors on the go all year long!

The residents at North Shore Care Center know how to beat “cabin fever” with a full calendar of activities scheduled for February. This month has plenty of excitement, from the Super Bowl and Groundhog Day, to Valentine’s Day and Presidents’ Day, plus Mardi Gras and Chinese New Year.

A music recital was performed by eight homeschooled students on Wednesday, February 4 with a very receptive audience of parents, residents, and staff.

While the color red is often worn during Valentine’s week, the Care Center residents and staff are encouraged to wear red on February 6th to support Heart Health Awareness Month.

The residents are busy making colorful heartshaped décor, homemade cards, cupcake treats, and placemats for a special Valentine Dinner Theatre on February 13. Favorite episodes of the I Love Lucy show will be presented on the big screen. A lunch outing is also planned to the Senior Center next week.



Since there are no resident birthdays to celebrate this February, we will enjoy cake on Presidents’ Day to honor Abe and George (and all the other U.S. presidents) during a history trivia session.

The Grand Marais Lioness Club will host their monthly social for residents on February 21 at 3 p.m. with delicious desserts for everyone. Irene Thompson will perform traditional sweetheart tunes on the piano.

Plenty of other music is planned during February featuring two dance bands and several other local musicians. The North Shore Community Band will be at the Care Center for the annual Mardi Gras Dance on Fat Tuesday, February 17 at 6:30 p.m. to perform Dixieland music.

At the end of the month, the band Portage will play their classic country music on February 28 at 6:30 p.m. We welcome families, friends, and community members to attend, too!

Additional live music this month features Irene Thompson on Mondays, Al Fuller on Tuesdays, Susan Scherer on Wednesdays, and occasionally Harris Mills on Fridays. We thank everyone who contributes to the great music and dance scene at the Care Center – all volunteers of course! You sure know how to lift our spirits and beat “cabin fever.”

These beautiful amaryllis plants are in full bloom just in time for Valentine’s Day, courtesy of Buck’s Hardware Hank store.

These beautiful amaryllis plants are in full bloom just in time for Valentine’s Day, courtesy of Buck’s Hardware Hank store.

2015 marks the 50th anniversary of the North Shore Care Center with five special events planned for employees, volunteers, and community partners. Watch for more information about the upcoming activities and events in the Cook County News-Herald or on our website:

Cook County has a vibrant and active community of elders. Each week we will offer Senior News to highlight our senior citizens. This week’s submission is about the North Shore Care Center courtesy of Kay Rosenthal.

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