August is here! It will be a fun-filled month for elders at the North Shore Care Center beginning with Fisherman’s Picnic weekend when families and friends are back in town.
The residents will be treated to fishburgers on Friday night provided by the Grand Marais Lions Club. Several folks will also participate in the parade on Sunday, so watch for us on the Arrowhead bus. We will be making some noise to thank Arrowhead Transit for 40 years of outstanding service in northeastern Minnesota. Happy 40th anniversary!
Additional outings on the bus this month will take us downtown for lunch at the Senior Center, a play at the Arrowhead Center for the Arts, and a visit to the Cook County Historical Society Museum.
Three birthdays are coming up in August. The monthly party will be celebrated on Wednesday, August 13 to honor Phyllis Anderson, Marie Jacobson, and Marigold Linnell. Cake and ice cream will be served at 3 p.m. with music and a sing-a-long by Sherrie Lindskog and Nora Bockovich.
The music lineup for August is looking great! The North Shore Community Band will perform a special swing music concert on Tuesday, August 12 at 6:30 p.m. The classic country band Portage will be in for a dance on Saturday, August 30 at 6:30 p.m. Other musicians coming in will be Myron Bursheim, Al Fuller, Kate Kelnberger, and Susan Scherer. As always the families, friends, and community folks are invited to attend our music events.
The end of August marks Hawaiian Week with a tropical theme added to the activities each day. We will watch the movie South Pacific, make fruit kabobs, play Hawaiian Bingo, and wear Hawaiian shirts and leis for the Portage dance.
This summer there have been children groups, friends, and many volunteers coming in to visit and assist with activities. Youth volunteer, Chloe Blackburn from the Incredible Exchange Program has been a great helper during June and July. Thanks everyone!
There are volunteer opportunities for all ages at the North Shore Care Center. For more information about volunteering or about any of the activities going on, please contact the Activity Department at 218-387-3518 or visit the website:
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