Cook County News Herald

An abundance of activities at North Shore Care Center



There will be an abundance of activities for residents at the North Shore Care Center during November. The gardens are cleaned up and the colder weather means more time indoors to work on craft projects and baking for our upcoming Resident Council Holiday Sale.

November is American Heritage Month, as well as deer hunting season, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Square Dance Day. It’s also Peanut Butter Lover’s Month!

The residents will mark Minnesota’s deer hunting opener by making venison stew, sharing hunting stories and favorite venison recipes.

November outings will take us downtown for shopping and to the American Legion Veterans’ Day dinner. We will honor our veterans at the Care Center on their day – Sweeney Croft, Whitey Dockan, Bob Heideman and Don Sorlie.

The monthly birthday party will be celebrated on Wednesday, November 12 for Larry Smith, Skip Rouser, and Dorothe Vaughn. Cake and ice cream will be served at 3 p.m. along with piano music by Doug Sanders.

Getting ready for Halloween, residents helped fill over 200 Halloween treat bags for the Kids Plus Halloween Party. They decorated lollipop ghosts for the Trick or Treaters coming to visit, too.

Getting ready for Halloween, residents helped fill over 200 Halloween treat bags for the Kids Plus Halloween Party. They decorated lollipop ghosts for the Trick or Treaters coming to visit, too.

The Lioness Club will host their monthly social with delicious desserts on Saturday, November 15 at 3 p.m. Irene Thompson will be back to perform her old time favorite tunes on the piano.

November music will feature the band Cook County’s Most Wanted on Saturday, November 8 at 6:30 p.m. to celebrate Whitey and Gladys Dockan’s 64th wedding anniversary.

Additional live music during the month will be performed by Myron Bursheim on Sundays, Irene Thompson on Mondays, Al Fuller every Tuesday, and Susan Scherer on Wednesdays.

Our annual Turkey Bingo game will be held on Thursday, November 20 with Walt Mianowski.

On Wednesday, November 26 the Flute Reed Ramblers family band will perform their banjo and fiddle music at 3:30 p.m. There will be some square dancing going on, too–led by Florence and George Bloomquist. Get ready to do the Virginia Reel!

Thanksgiving brings families and friends to the Care Center for the traditional turkey dinner served on Thanksgiving Day at 11:30 a.m. It’s always fun to see everyone gathered together for the big meal.

The Brazells had a good time together at the Halloween Dance featuring Portage last weekend. (L-R) Dee, Nancy and Mickey Brazell.

The Brazells had a good time together at the Halloween Dance featuring Portage last weekend. (L-R) Dee, Nancy and Mickey Brazell.

During this season of giving thanks, the residents and staff at North Shore Care Center want to express their gratitude to over 70 community volunteers who give their valuable time throughout the year. We are thankful for having you in our lives.

For more information about the activity programs or volunteer opportunities, please contact the Activity Department at 218-387- 3518 or check out the website

Cook County has a vibrant and active community of elders. Each week we will offer Senior News to highlight our senior citizens. This week’s submission is about the North Shore Care courtesy of Kay Rosenthal.

Residents baked dog biscuits for the Resident Council Holiday Sale. (L-R) Bernice LeGarde, Donna Willett, Whitey Dockan, Skip Rouser, and the dog Awesome, lending his seal of approval.

Residents baked dog biscuits for the Resident Council Holiday Sale. (L-R) Bernice LeGarde, Donna Willett, Whitey Dockan, Skip Rouser, and the dog Awesome, lending his seal of approval.

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