If any of you know me, you know I love chickens. According to the Perk, World Egg Day is a unique way to raise awareness of the benefits of eggs. Residents at North Shore Living learned eggs play an important role feeding families around the world. Eggs are unbeatable for versatility and top-quality protein. They are an excellent source of choline, essential in memory and brain development. Eggs are good for muscle development and help prevent diseases and help ward off macular degeneration.
Speaking from experience, farm raised chickens give much better flavored eggs than store bought. I don’t believe there are differences in taste by what color the eggs are. Just eat them. People who raise chickens find that being a chicken tenderer lowers their stress level. Many a day, you could find me enjoying life sitting in a lawn chair out with my chickens. How many of you are chicken crazy? Would we like to have a chicken coop at the Care Center? You betcha.
Birthdays and parties
Janet Ryden celebrated her birthday on three different occasions this past month. Janet and our Mr. Bill K. were celebrated at our monthly birthday party on Oct 12th. On Saturday, Oct 29th we planned a party for Janet complete with pink cupcakes and guitar music by Harris Mills. Janet was also celebrated on Monday, Oct 31 with a little song from our very own Mr. Tom Novotny on his accordion. Janet was all smiles and really enjoyed her parties.
Nona, dressed as a clown, won the Halloween costume contest. Yvonne Smith colored paper bags for our boobie prize Bingo game. The bags included useable gadgets I’ve been collecting along with candy and cookies. Each resident playing Bingo received a bag. Residents enjoyed families from our facility dropping by with their children to trick or treat.
Quotes from residents
While playing Pokeno and trying to locate a certain number…. Nadine blurts out” This is the hardest I’ve worked all day!”
What’s one place you would like to go? Nona replies,” I would like to go to the moon!” The rest of the group replies, “No you wouldn’t!”
Thank you
Thank you, Harris Mills, for stopping by and playing your guitar. Thank you to our newest volunteer Kate Kelnberger. Kate has been stopping by to play cribbage and piano music. She is a joy to have around.
Thank you so much to all our volunteers. We are very thankful for you taking time out of your busy day to spend some of it with us. You bring a ray of sunshine to our souls.
Thank you to Carrie Framsted for joining the Activities department as an assistant.
Would you like to volunteer? Maybe you have an hour to come spend with someone playing a game or reading to them. We are always looking for baked goods. All of our residents are wonderful. Come and see why. If you Yvonne Smith are interested in volunteering, please contact Lisa in Activities. 218-387-3518.
We are still looking for donations for our motorized bicycle built for two. Donations can be mailed to North Shore Living 515 5th Ave W Grand Marais, MN 55604.
A good friend thinks you are a good egg even if you’re slightly cracked.
You all have an eggcellent day and don’t forget “Old Age Ain’t for Sissies”
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