Cook County News Herald

2022 NFG Holiday Sale & Open House



The Northwoods Fiber Guild will host their annual Holiday Sale & Open House on Saturday, December 3rd, at the Grand Marais Art Colony’s new “Studio 21” site located at 21 W. Hwy. 61 in Grand Marais, MN. The sale is a well-known tradition on the north shore featuring quality one-of-a kind fiber crafts and artwork handmade by guild members. The doors will be open from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. with fiber demos, music, and plenty of holiday spirit.

There is a wide variety of fiber handcrafts at the Holiday Sale this year including knitting, weaving, felting, quilting, basketry, paper art, cards, beadwork, felted sculptures, rugs, wall hangings, and lots of holiday ornaments. Unique clothing and accessories are always popular gifts, such as scarves, hats, mittens, socks, slippers, and felted handbags.

Join in the fun at the upcoming Holiday Sale and Open House on December 3rd. There will be take-home craft kits for kids and adults plus decorative gift boxes, and wrapped holiday treats for our shoppers. Credit Cards are accepted by the NFG.

Current COVID precautions will be in place at Grand Marais Art Colony’s Studio 21 site. Face masks and hand sanitizer will be available for guild members and shoppers.

The Northwoods Fiber Guild has supported fiber artists and taught fiber art classes in our community for over 34 years. For more information about our active fiber guild, please contact Facebook@ Northwoods Fiber Guild, or go to

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