Filing for Lutsen township positions will start December 30 and run through January 14, 2020, ending at 5 p.m. Two supervisor positions are open, one for a three-year term and one for a one-year term. The clerk position is open for a two-year term, and the treasurer position is for a one-year term. The last day a candidate can withdraw […]
SMMPA approves EV chargers
In September the Southern Minnesota Municipal Power Agency (SMMPA) board approved installing charging stations for electric vehicles (EV) in every member community. Within the next 12 to 18 months, the city of Grand Marais and all other SMMPA member communities will receive a DC fast (level 3) charger and two dual-port level 2 chargers. SMMPA will purchase the chargers from […]
State Fair autographed snowplow blade clearing snow along North Shore
The autographed snowplow blades are on the roads! This summer, during the Minnesota State Fair, MnDOT tried something new. Fairgoers visiting the MnDOT booth in the Education Building were asked to sign a snowplow wing blade. Thousands of people were eager to sign the blades and engage with MnDOT workers, many asking where the blades would end up. District 1 […]
Conservation Officer Tales
Although the Cook County News-Herald knows that the majority of sportsmen and women are law-abiding folks, there are a few that run afoul of the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) Conservation Officers. Periodically, the DNR provides a report of some of the miscreants the Conservation Officers (CO) have encountered. The News-Herald shares these stories as a reminder to all […]
Matters of Record
Jason Richard Donek, 34, Grand Marais, pled guilty Dec. 5 to a DNR hunting violation (failure to register deer as required) on Nov. 12, and was fined $185. Marvin C. Henricks Jr., 59, Warrens, Wis., pled guilty Dec. 5 to a DNR hunting violation (use of bait) on Nov. 9, and was fined $385. Kyle Archie William Bruneau, 35, Grand […]
Cook County Law Enforcement briefs
It is the policy of the Cook County News-Herald to withhold the identities of individuals in Cook County Law Enforcement briefs. When court proceedings are complete, the Cook County News-Herald publishes a complete accounting of names and penalties in its Matters of Record. Tuesday, Nov. 121:41 a.m., Grand Portage: Medical call (baby being born) on BayEstates Drive.2:47 a.m., Grand Marais: […]
“Ask a trooper”
Question: Minnesota just recently enacted a hands-free while driving law, but many states do not have such a law. How is this enforced when people from out of state are traveling on our Interstate highways? I have not seen any signs go up stating that Minnesota is Hands-Free. Would violators just be issued a warning? Answer: The law will be […]