Cook County News Herald

Classified Order

Classified line ads are $8 for 20 words or less, & $1 for 10 additional words.

Box classified ad are $8.00 per column inch. Example: a 3.19″ wide by 2″ high ad is $32.

Deadline: Tuesday by 4 p.m. for the next issue.

Use the form below to submit your classified ad. Once submitted, please call or stop by our office to complete payment — or wait for us to contact you. Your ad will NOT run until payment is received.

  • Ad Information

  • Select date MM slash DD slash YYYY
    The date you would like the classified to appear first
  • Please enter a number from 1 to 52.
    Number of issues you would like the classified to run
  • Contact Information

    Once we receive and approve your ad, we will need to contact you to collect your payment information and complete the transaction. Feel free to call us during business hours once you have submitted your ad!