staff reports
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Volleyball camp offered June 15-28
staff reports | May 16, 2009
Improve your volleyball skills at a special camp June 15-28 in Grand Marais. Instruction will be given on passing, hitting and serving, and there will be daily drill sessions and scrimmage games in the Varsity Gym. Thecamp is for girls going into fourth – seventh grade in the fall of 2009. Varsity players will help with the instruction. Camp will... READ MORE >

Fishing regulation changes open for comment
staff reports | May 16, 2009
The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) is inviting public comments and suggestions about changes being considered to the recreational and commercial fishing regulations. “This is the start of the process we use to clarify and change specific portions of our fishing regulations,” said Linda Erickson- Eastwood, DNR fisheries program manager. “We will take into account any suggestions the public... READ MORE >

Volunteers needed to count loons
staff reports | May 16, 2009
The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) nongame wildlife program is looking for volunteers in Lake and Cook counties to perform a one-day loon survey this summer. The Minnesota Loon Monitoring Program is now in its 15th year. Lake monitors are assigned to a pre-selected lake to count the number of loons they see on one morning between July 3-13.... READ MORE >