staff reports
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Centennial Open House at Tofte Ranger District
staff reports | May 23, 2009
One hundred years ago, on Feb. 13, 1909, the Superior National Forest was designated by President Theodore Roosevelt. The public is invited to join in a celebration of the centennial year at an open house from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. May 27 at the Tofte Ranger District Office, 7355 West Hwy 61, Tofte. Historic photos and displays, birthday cards... READ MORE >

Going places with Cross River Heritage Center exhibits
staff reports | May 23, 2009
The opening of the Cross River Heritage Center in Schroeder and the beginning of summer programming and exhibits is guaranteed to take museum visitors on interesting journeys. For starters, a locally curated exhibit about the geology of northeastern Minnesota’s North Shore area brings visitors back to the creation of fossilized algae stirred with the ingredients of jasper some two billion... READ MORE >

Nursing Assistant training course starts May 28
staff reports | May 23, 2009
The North Shore Care Center in Grand Marais, in collaboration with Lake Superior College, will be offering the Nursing Assistant & Home Health Aide training course beginning Thursday, May 28. The classes, taught by instructor Mark Abrahamson, will meet from 3:00 to 7:00 p.m. on Monday and Thursday afternoons and every other Saturday beginning May 30 from 8 a.m. to... READ MORE >

Thrivent builders return from El Salvador
staff reports | May 23, 2009
Poverty and inadequate housing have a whole new meaning for 13 North Shore residents after working sideby side with Salvadoran families during a “Thrivent Builds Worldwide” trip. Fred Mismash fully expected to work hard and change the lives of Salvadoran families for the better. While these expectations were met, it came as a surprise that he was also strongly impacted... READ MORE >

Four-year engineering program available
staff reports | May 23, 2009
Students will be able to earn a four-year engineering degree through unique handson training and a partnership of education, workforce development and private organizations on Minnesota’s Mesabi Iron Range. The first of its kind program in the state begins this fall and combines academic instruction with practical experience and builds on the success of Itasca Community College’s two-year engineering program.... READ MORE >

New Arbor Day Foundation booklet available
staff reports | May 23, 2009
The Arbor Day Foundation’s recently updated Conservation Trees booklet is now available for a $3 donation to the nonprofit tree-planting organization. The booklet is designed to help people plant and care for trees, and features illustrations, colorful photos and easy-to-follow text. Included also are tips on how to use shade trees and windbreaks to save on energy costs, attract songbirds,... READ MORE >

Health Care Foundation receives hospice startup grant
staff reports | May 16, 2009
Karl Hansen, director of the North Shore Health Care Foundation is pleased to announce that the Foundation has been awarded a $10,000 start-up grant from the Lloyd K. Johnson Foundation. This grant will allow the development of the proposed hospice program to continue to move forward. In addition to pursuing other grants to support the program, the end-of-life volunteers are... READ MORE >

Be prepared to leave your home
staff reports | May 16, 2009
How prepared are you to leave your home in an emergency? How prepared are you to remain at home due to weather, disease or other? The Cook County Emergency Preparedness Committee has created an “Emergency Shopping List” for you to use as a guide in preparing yourself and your family before an incident or emergency occurs. The county website home... READ MORE >

DNR issues burn permit reminder
staff reports | May 16, 2009
Cook County is currently under burn restrictions. However, even when restrictions are lifted, property owners need to carefully consider conditions before burning brush. Also, remember that a burning permit is always required. The only exceptions are for campfires, as long as there are no other restrictions and if there is a continuous cover of snow, three inches deep in area... READ MORE >

Adopt a Highway volunteers spring into action
staff reports | May 16, 2009
Now that spring has arrived, thousands of Adopt a Highway volunteers across Minnesota are helping to beautify roadsides and save taxpayers hundreds of thousands of dollars in litter removal costs. “The Minnesota Department of Transportation extends its thanks to the dedicated volunteers and their organizations who participate in the Adopt a Highway program,” said Mike Robinson, Mn/DOT District 1 Engineer.... READ MORE >