staff reports

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Youth leadership workshop is March 22

On March 22, youth are invited to join together for a free leadership training filled with fun, friends and food. Leadership is about standing up, inspiring others and being responsible even when it may not be convenient or pleasant. In this two-hour session, young people in grades 6-8 will explore a variety of leadership models, begin to analyze their personal... READ MORE >

Volunteers needed to help monitor for invasive pests

Minnesota is looking for volunteers to join the “first detector” early warning system to help keep an eye out for new infestations of invasive pests. These volunteer “first detectors” make it more likely that infestations of emerald ash borer and other invasive tree pests will be found in early stages when they are easier to control. Registration is now open... READ MORE >

Local food co-op joins statewide effort to stamp out hunger

The Cook County Whole Foods Co-op has joined a statewide campaign to help alleviate hunger. In past years, Twin Cities area food co-ops have participated in the Minnesota FoodShare March Campaign, a program of the Greater Minneapolis Council of Churches that provides funds, food and educational materials to over 300 food shelves across the state. Last year the collective members,... READ MORE >

Summer conservation apprentice opportunity at Cook County Soil and Water

A summer apprenticeship position for a young adult, age 18-25, is available at the Cook County Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) through Conservation Corps Minnesota. Apprentices spend their summer working alongside natural resource professionals. The goal is to train and mentor future conservation professionals by providing apprenticeship service opportunities to Soil and Water Conservation Districts. Apprentices will serve as... READ MORE >

It’s time for Incredible Exchange, Internship sign-up

Applications will be accepted from March 18 through April 18 for the Incredible Exchange summer sessions. The goals of these programs are to promote youth volunteerism in our community and increase the potential to create a positive relationship between youth and adults. In exchange for volunteering, youth earn credit to participate in a recreational or cultural activity of their choice,... READ MORE >

Mighty Mite 2 hockey team finishes season

The Cook County Mite 2 Youth Hockey Team completed their final tournament of the year this past weekend at the Rukavina Arena in Silver Bay. The team, ages 7, 8, and 9, had a rough go of it on Saturday but had a lot of fun. The first game featured Cook County taking on Proctor White which resulted in a... READ MORE >

Unique health coverage program will be focus of March business luncheon

Two representatives from HealthShare, a Duluth-based “community health coverage program,” will explain what HealthShare offers Cook County’s small businesses and their employees at Higher Education’s March Business Networking Luncheon. The luncheon will begin at 11:30 a.m. Wednesday, March 27, at Higher Ed’s North Shore Campus. The program will conclude by 1 p.m. Cost is $15. HealthShare executive director Jenny Peterson... READ MORE >

Community Ed offers classes on Anishinaabe culture

Are you curious about the language, culture, traditions and customs of the Anishinaabe? Are you a professional whose work would benefit from learning more about Anishinaabe culture? If you are just beginning your study or are continuing to learn, all are welcome in Anishinaabemowin: Exploring the culture, traditions and customs of the Anishinaabe through language. The classes are being offered... READ MORE >

Mary Batcheller named account manager at Flint Group

Flint Group, a full-service network for marketing and communication agencies in the region, has hired Mary Batcheller, a Cook County native, as an account manager. Previously, Batcheller worked to grow the economy in Cass and Clay counties with the Greater Fargo Moorhead Economic Development Corporation (GFMEDC). During her six years with GFMEDC, she held multiple positions. As communications coordinator she... READ MORE >

Caregiver Support Group begins March 19

The first meeting of a monthly caregiver support group is Tuesday, March 19, noon to 1:30 p.m. in the Fireside Room of the First Congregational Church in Grand Marais. Care Partners, the group sponsor, is providing facilitators and refreshments. Participation is free. Care Partners will also provide a trained volunteer, at no cost, to stay at home with the loved... READ MORE >