staff reports
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Tennis tournament will go on despite construction
staff reports | July 18, 2009
The Grand Marais Fisherman’s Picnic Tennis Tournament will begin Wednesday, July 29 at the high school tennis courts and continue through Sunday, Aug. 2. Due to court reconstruction there are only two courts available this year. Consequently, the adult tournament will be doubles only. There will be consolation matches as court availability permits. There will be Men’s, Women’s and Mixed... READ MORE >

Olson graduates from Vermilion College
staff reports | July 18, 2009
Trisha Olson of Grand Marais graduated on May 12, 2009 from Vermilion Community College in Ely, MN. She earned an associate degree in Liberal Arts and Sciences. Vermilion Community College educates people from all walks of life to become well-rounded, ethical citizens prepared to work, live, and learn in a changing world, especially the natural world that surrounds us. Trisha... READ MORE >

Mellang graduates from University of MN
staff reports | July 18, 2009
Martina Summer Mellang of Lutsen was among the candidates for graduation at the University of Minnesota’s Undergraduate Commencement on Saturday, May 16 at the Duluth Entertainment Convention Center. Martina received her bachelor of applied sciences degree in Communication Sciences and Disorders. Martina is the daughter of John and Sally Mellang of Lutsen. She is a 2004 graduate of Cook County... READ MORE >

Tasha Johnson to attend UMM
staff reports | July 18, 2009
Tasha Johnson of Grand Marais has been accepted to and has chosen to attend the University of Minnesota, Morris (UMM), one of the most respected public liberal arts colleges in the nation, beginning fall 2009. Tasha is a 2007 graduate of Cook County High School. She is the daughter of Annette Johnson and Rocky Johnson of Grand Marais. The University... READ MORE >

Dahlman, Laky named to Bethel dean’s list
staff reports | July 18, 2009
Two Grand Marais residents, Kaari Dahlman and Hannah Laky, have been named to the 2009 spring semester dean’s list at Bethel University in St. Paul. Kaari is the daughter of Bruce and Kate Dahlman. She is majoring in English literature and writing. Hannah is the daughter of Mark and Laura Laky; her major is art. The dean’s list honors students... READ MORE >

Bockovich, Olson on Bemidji dean’s list
staff reports | July 18, 2009
Two Grand Marais students, Kristen Bockovich and Trisha Olson, have been named to the 2009 spring semester dean’s list at Bemidji State University. Kristen is the daughter of Dale and Linda Bockovich, and is a 2006 graduate of Cook County High School. Trisha is the daughter of Greg and Mary Olson, and is a 2005 graduate of Cook County High... READ MORE >

Superior Hiking Trail events planned
staff reports | July 18, 2009
Hikers are invited to participate in summer hikes with the Superior Hiking Trail Association. The next hike is Gooseberry Falls State Park to Split Rock River wayside on Aug. 22. Thesix-mile hike will take participants through nice forest with great views of Lake Superior. Hikers will meet at 10 a.m. at the Split Rock River wayside. (Highway 61 milepost 43.5.)... READ MORE >

Minnesota’s thin green line: Shoreland buffers
staff reports | July 18, 2009
What we do with shorelines affects Minnesota’s waters. Native plant buffers are a thin, green line protecting our rivers, lakes and wetlands from harmful pollutants and sediments. Many species rely on these natural habitats for food, shelter and travel. Buffering shores with native plants helps stabilize shorelands and control erosion by slowing runoff. Areas with native plantings have less water... READ MORE >

DNR issues burn permit reminder
staff reports | July 18, 2009
Cook County is currently under burn restrictions. However, even when restrictions are lifted, property owners need to carefully consider conditions before burning brush. Also, remember that a burning permit is always required. The only exceptions are for campfires, as long as there are no other restrictions, and if there is a continuous cover of snow three inches deep in area... READ MORE >

Open house July 16 to discuss Gunflint Trail road projects
staff reports | July 11, 2009
TheCook County Highway Department will host an open house to discuss CSAH 12 (Gunflint Trail) projects slated for the 2009 construction season. The open house is scheduled for 3 to 5 p.m. Thursday, July 16 at the Gunflint Conference Center on the grounds of the Gunflint Lodge at 143 S. Gunflint Lake, approximately 43 miles north of Grand Marais on... READ MORE >