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Trinity Lutheran Walk-A-Thon follows historic footsteps

On Sunday August 9 starting at 10:30 a.m., a varied group of people will walk (or bike, drive, or rollerblade) from Grand Marais to Hovland. Why do such a “crazy” thing? Because long ago, the first pastors to bring regularly scheduled church services to Hovland walked that route once per month. As a result, in 1909, the congregation of Trinity... READ MORE >

Storytellers and Northwoods scenes at Cross River Heritage Center

Storytelling will be the focus of a special event at the Cross River Heritage Center in Schroeder at 1:30 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 8. Nancy Gunderson Lindquist, Sharon (Pete) Ankrum, Shirley Smith Pecore and Sandy Smith Solmonson will share their stories of growing up in Schroeder in the 1940s and beyond. Nancy and Sandy had parents who kept them busy with... READ MORE >

Last weekend for Enchanted Evening

Thelarge opening night audience thrilled to the performance of Some Enchanted Evening at the Grand Marais Playhouse. Songs from Rodgers and Hammerstein musicals filled the Arrowhead Center for the Arts to the delight of the audience. Many found it difficult to not sing along but chose instead to listen to the delicate harmonies delivered by the five vocalists including Karina... READ MORE >

Local students spend a week at Leadership Camp

Jolie Savitsky, Jaclyn Biesemeyer, Taryn Logan, Andrew Lekatz, Abaigeal Clark, Sierra Tietge and Coleton Hardenbrook were sponsored by the North Shore – Two Harbors Rotary Club and recently spent a week attending the Rotary Youth Leadership Award (RYLA) Camp, held at the University of Minnesota – Crookston campus. There were 124 RYLA campers who were sponsored by 52 Rotary International... READ MORE >

Nelson graduates from Orono High

Haley Nelson, daughter of the late Todd Nelson, and granddaughter of Betty Nelson and the late Lloyd Nelson of Grand Marais, graduated from Orono High School in Long Lake, MN on July 9, 2009. Haley was born and raised in Grand Marais until moving when in grade school. She was an A+ student and captain of the ski team. Haley’s... READ MORE >

Danfelt-Martin on UM spring dean’s list

Gwendolyn C. Danfelt-Martin of Hovland has been named to the 2009 spring semester dean’s list at the University of Minnesota. Gwen is the daughter of Bob Martin and Virginia Danfelt of Hovland, and is a 2005 graduate of Cook County High School. Students on the list all achieved a grade point average of 3.66 or higher while taking 12 or... READ MORE >

St. Scholastica hosts “A Day at College” for area seniors

No degrees or formal education are required for seniors wishing to attend “A Day at College” Aug. 27 in Duluth. The College of St. Scholastica’s Emeritus College has organized the event for area senior citizens for a cost of $15, which includes all sessions and lunch. Registration begins at 9 a.m. Sessions include The St. Scholastica Story, The Steel Drum... READ MORE >

Deer hunters— plan ahead for antlerless permits

Minnesota hunters who hope to harvest an antlerless deer this fall need to review 2009 regulations prior to Sept. 10, the deadline to apply for an either-sex permit. That’s because over-the-counter, either-sex permits will be valid in significantly fewer areas this hunting season, especially in portions of northern and southwestern Minnesota. Therefore, hunters who typically did not need to apply... READ MORE >

Grand Portage State Park Construction

Grand Portage State Park will only be open on weekends until mid-August, while work continues on site preparation for a new 5,800 square foot visitor center. Construction activities in hightraffic areas prompted the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) officials to close the park Monday through Thursday, beginning July 20, out of concern for visitor safety. The park will be... READ MORE >

Superior National Forest welcomes new Deputy Supervisor

On July, Mark Hummel joined the leadership team on the Superior National Forest. As the Deputy Forest Supervisor, Hummel will assist with overall management of programs across the three-million acre Forest. During his career, Hummel has worked on various national forests. He began on the Toiyabe National Forest in Sparks, Nevada where his duties required travel across the Forest shooting... READ MORE >