staff reports
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Supporting your school…
staff reports | August 22, 2009
The bad news is that statewide and nationwide, schools struggle financially to meet the needs of our children. The good news is that there are a number of easy ways that we as parents, grandparents, and community members can help out—just by doing what we would be doing anyway. » Donate by shopping at Target Anyone who shops at Target... READ MORE >

Cook County Girls Basketball busy in off-season
staff reports | August 22, 2009
With a successful 2008-2009 basketball season in the books, the CCHS girls basketball team has been busy this summer preparing for next season. In the current age of high school basketball, it takes more than work during the regular season to have a winning season—it takes time and dedication in the summer. Most teams play in leagues in towns that... READ MORE >

Moose Advisory Committee presents recommendations
staff reports | August 22, 2009
A committee charged with making recommendations to slow the decline in Minnesota’s moose population presented its findings on August 18. The committee, whose work will be incorporated into a legislatively mandated research and management plan, shared its insights with the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) on research needs, habitat management and other considerations at a meeting in Duluth. The... READ MORE >

Couple charged with kidnapping, sexual assault
staff reports | August 15, 2009
A charge of felony criminal sexual conduct in the second degree was added August 5, 2009 to five other charges against Kevin Thompson, 52, of Grand Marais. His wife, Susan Ann Thompson, 40, has now been charged with aiding and abetting her husband and is facing five of the same offenses against the alleged victim. The charge of felony criminal... READ MORE >

Fishing Museum raffle winners announced
staff reports | August 15, 2009
The North Shore Commercial Fishing Museum in Tofte has announced the winners of its Aug. 10 fundraising raffle: Commercial Fishing with Dale Tormondsen — Orville and Donna Lunke, Grand Marais; Charter Fishing with North Coast Charters — Nancy and Paul Millus, Bellerose Village, N.Y.; Lutsen Mountain Stay and Ski package — Doug Brace, Bloomington; two rounds of golf with cart... READ MORE >

Lutsen men rescue loon
staff reports | August 15, 2009
On Tuesday morning, July 28, a loon was discovered on the side of the road at Peninsula Point Trail near the Caribou Trail in Lutsen. Pat Vaughan was riding his bike when he noticed the loon. He was able to contact the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR). Dave Ingebrigtsen of the DNR Wildlife Division provided advice and contacted another... READ MORE >

Aquatic plants provide important habitat
staff reports | August 15, 2009
Plants that grow in and under the water are part of our surroundings, whether we are fishing, swimming or just sitting on the shore. A diversity of aquatic habitats makes for healthy lakes, rivers and wetlands that are home to a variety of fish, birds and wildlife. Unfortunately, some people see aquatic plants as problems or weeds. But aquatic plants... READ MORE >

Sign-up begins for new stewardship program
staff reports | August 15, 2009
The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) began a continuous sign-up for the new Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP) on Aug. 10 in Minnesota. The first cutoff for ranking purposes is Sept. 30. “The Conservation Stewardship Program changed dramatically in the 2008 Farm Bill,” said spokesman Daniel Weber. “NRCS took the time to develop a program that would... READ MORE >

Timex 3 Event a success
staff reports | August 15, 2009
Thethird North Coast Fjords Timex 3 Event Day Fundraiser on Saturday, August 8 was a great success for the Sawtooth Mountain Riders Saddle Club. While slightly cloudy and a bit overcast, the weather was just right for the horses and competitors; it wasn’t too hot or too cold. While overall entries for this year were down a bit from previous... READ MORE >

Intro to Anishinaabe offered by Higher Ed
staff reports | August 15, 2009
Cook County Higher Education in collaboration with Fond Du Lac Tribal and Community College will be offering Introduction to Anishinaabe Language this fall semester beginning Aug. 24. The 16-week four-credit course will be held Monday and Wednesday evenings from 6 to 7:40 p.m. via interactive television at the Cook County Higher Education classroom 105 B. The course will introduce students... READ MORE >