staff reports

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Beekeeping course offered by Shakopee Sioux Community

A 15-week experiential, intensive beekeeping course will be offered this spring and summer by staff from Wozupi, the Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community’s organic garden, orchard, honey, maple syrup, and organic egg producing enterprise. Open to the public, this course will be held Saturdays from 10 a.m. to noon from April through October. The course will cover all phases of beekeeping,... READ MORE >

Community Fund workshop presented April 22

The Cook County Community Fund (CCCF) will hold a free workshop for nonprofit staff and board members on April 22 from 9 a.m. to noon at North House Folk School. The workshop includes an overview of the fundamental roles and responsibilities of nonprofit board members, with an emphasis on working with others to execute a nonprofit organization’s mission and vision.... READ MORE >

Feeling stretched as a caregiver?

Powerful Tools for Caregivers is an educational series designed to provide you with the tools you need to take care of yourself. This program helps family caregivers reduce stress, improve self-confidence, communicate feelings better, balance their lives, increase their ability to make tough decisions and locate helpful resources. Classes consist of six sessions held once a week. Two experienced class... READ MORE >

Driver safety classes offered

The Grand Marais Senior Center is once again offering local drivers the opportunity to brush up on their skills and save money by participating in upcoming safety classes. AARP Driver Safety Beginning Class (eight-hour) will be offered Saturday, April 6 from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Cook County Community Center, Grand Marais. The schedule includes hourly breaks and... READ MORE >

Clay classes at Art Colony

There are two evening classes to choose from in the clay studio at the Grand Marais Art Colony this spring. Beginning Clay with Joan Farnam will be held April 4 through May 9 (six Thursdays) from 6 to 8 p.m. Tuition is $115, plus a $25 supply fee. The class is designed for students with some previous clay experience and... READ MORE >

Ashley Green wins Dr Pepper Scholarship

Grand Marais resident and full-time online student Ashley Green has won a $2,500 scholarship through the Dr Pepper Million Dollar Tuition Giveaway. The Dr Pepper program has awarded millions of dollars in tuition to students across the country. Whether a future doctor or lawyer, artist or musician, the Dr Pepper scholarship offers help with the rising costs of education. “I... READ MORE >

Shakopee scholarships available again

Applications are now available for the Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community Endowed Scholarship at the University of Minnesota for the 2013-2014 academic year. The SMSC Endowed Scholarship was established in 2008 through a $2.5 million gift from the Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community into a matching endowment fund, creating a $5 million endowment to provide scholarships for American Indian students. To date,... READ MORE >

Local congregations team up to give $2,110 to Cook County Food Shelf

For the second year Thrivent Financial, North Shore Chapter 31313, has invited willing Cook County churches to take a supplemental food shelf offering on a designated Sunday in March. Though all area churches already have planned regular means of contributing to the local food shelf, six area congregations agreed to join the special offering effort with Thrivent offering supplemental funding... READ MORE >

CCHS junior Joey Chmelik wins WDSE-WRPT essay contest

Cook County High School Junior Joey Chmelik won first place in the 2012- 13 WDSE·WRPT annual High School Essay contest. Students throughout the Northland had the opportunity to submit an essay of up to 500 words on the topic: Select a creative work—a novel, a film, a poem, a musical piece, a painting, or other work of art that has... READ MORE >

Axtell performs with Northwestern in Cuba

Katrina Axtell is among the 54 members of the Northwestern College Symphonic Band who toured Cuba as guests of the National Band of Cuba during spring break March 2 -12. Northwestern’s group was the first full symphonic band from the United States to perform in Cuba. The Northwestern students spent a lot of time with members of the National Band,... READ MORE >