staff reports
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Social Media – like it or not at May business luncheon
staff reports | May 25, 2013
Social media – Facebook, Twitter and all their cousins – offer huge potential for marketing your business. But managing them well isn’t always easy, and ignoring them can be downright dangerous. That’s because just about all businesses are on social media whether they choose to be or not – through TripAdvisor, Yelp and other types of consumer driven review sites.... READ MORE >

Chik-Wauk opens for season, Boostrom exhibit featured
staff reports | May 25, 2013
Chik-Wauk Museum and Nature Center opens for its fourth season on Saturday, May 25. This year only, museum visitors can enjoy a special exhibit about the Boostrom family of Clearwater Lake, the first pioneer family of the Gunflint Trail. Charlie Boostrom first came to northern Minnesota in 1909 and started Clearwater Lodge in 1915 with his wife, Petra. The exhibit... READ MORE >

Minnesota stormwater manual available in new format
staff reports | May 25, 2013
Cities and developers that need to control urban stormwater to prevent pollution of lakes and streams have a new tool available: the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency has launched a wiki version of the Minnesota Stormwater Manual. The previous manual – at 850 pages and 25 megabytes online – offered a wealth of information, but was cumbersome to use. Thanks to... READ MORE >

New instructor at Art Colony
staff reports | May 25, 2013
A new instructor will be teaching at the Grand Marais Art Colony starting just after Memorial Day. On May 27-30, Creative Breakthrough: Bringing the Art Spirit into Your Work will be presented by Mary Pettis, a classically trained painter and an eloquent and respected teacher with 35 years experience who has won extensive awards in national painting events and exhibitions,... READ MORE >

Keep birds healthy, avoid moldy birdseed
staff reports | May 25, 2013
Moldy birdseed and unclean bird feeders can make birds sick, according to the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. In spring and in hot, humid weather it is common for mold to form on wet birdseed. The mold can cause a fatal avian disease called aspergillosis, which affects the birds’ respiratory systems. Carrol Henderson, supervisor of the DNR nongame wildlife program,... READ MORE >

Minnesota Private College Week registration open
staff reports | May 25, 2013
Registration for Minnesota Private College Week, June 24-28, is now open. This is a great opportunity for students – whether they’re going to be sophomores, juniors or seniors – to get started with a college search. Students and parents often come together to these free introductory sessions, offered twice daily at 17 different campuses. For more information and to register... READ MORE >

Cross River Heritage Center opens May 24 with Forest Fires on the Arrowhead exhibit
staff reports | May 18, 2013
The Pagami Creek Fire reminded us again that with the right conditions, forest fires can spread rapidly and unpredictably. Even with roads into the wilderness, cell phones, water-dropping planes, and the services of the state and national forest services and sheriff ’s department, residents in and near the flaming forest experienced fear. Early news articles and oral histories describe the... READ MORE >

“Art in the Garden” featured at Community Center
staff reports | May 18, 2013
Join us for Art in the Garden at the Community Center on Saturday, June 1. The morning session from 8:15 a.m. until noon will include for $15: Garden Yoga, Garden Art for the Heart & Soul, and Landscape Art. Coffee, tea and refreshments will be available; lunch on your own from noon to 1 p.m. The afternoon session will be... READ MORE >

Grand Portage man charged with attempted murder
staff reports | May 18, 2013
At about 4 a.m. on Wednesday, May 15, a security guard at the Grand Portage Lodge & Casino was assaulted. The alleged assailant was Steven Warren Robert Anishnabie, 21, of Grand Portage. According to the Cook County Law Enforcement complaint, the attack occurred near the security podium in the casino. The security guard, Rollin Baird, was stabbed in the neck... READ MORE >

Hellner in ROTC at Eastern Michigan University
staff reports | May 18, 2013
William Hellner is currently attending Eastern Michigan University in Ypsilanti, Michigan in the ROTC program. Hellner will be participating in the Army’s Leader Development and Assessment Course (LDAC)—also known as Operation Warrior Forge—this summer. This is the capstone exercise in becoming a U.S. Army lieutenant. Upon his return to the University of Michigan, he will head into his senior year... READ MORE >