Brian Larson

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Weekly Weather

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General call for write-in candidates for SWCD District 4 supervisor seat

The Cook County Soil & Water Conservation District (SWCD) has put out a general call for write-in candidates for Supervisor of District 4 (also known as the Maple Hill area) in the upcoming election. The deadline for filing to appear on the ballot expired at the end of May. SWCDs are special purpose units of government that manage and direct... READ MORE >

Lives Remembered

Memorial Service for James and Carol Tveekrem A Reception and Remembrance honoring the lives of James Tveekrem and Carol Tveekrem will be held at the Schroeder Town Hall on Wednesday, July 13 at 12 p.m. The town hall is located at 124 Cramer Road in Schroeder.... READ MORE >

Eric W. Thorsen

Eric W. Thorsen, 50, Grand Portage, died Tuesday, June 21, 2022. Eric was born August 2, 1971 in Duluth, grew up in Minneapolis, and had made his home in Grand Portage for the last 20 years. He was employed by the Grand Portage Reservation. He enjoyed cooking, fishing, golf, fixing things, and everything and anything to do with the outdoors.... READ MORE >

Historical Reflections

107TH REGIMENT ENGINEERS BAND Al Bally served as an engineer in the 107th Regiment which was based in Upper Michigan. He served and played music with this group of men. These men were engineers and also musicians in the regiment band. This photo is from the 1920s.... READ MORE >

Down Memory Lane

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Seasonal load restrictions lifted; all roads open on June 22

The Cook County Highway Department has lifted all seasonal load restrictions, and all gravel roads will open to legal haulers. Cook County thanks everyone for their patience while conditions were monitored throughout the spring season. Seasonal load restrictions are put into place to protect roads from damage or failure during the spring thaw when melting snow and rain can saturate... READ MORE >

Local COVID-19 vaccination events scheduled for children 6 months to 5 years of age

Cook County Public Health and Human Services and Sawtooth Mountain Clinic have scheduled local COVID- 19 vaccination events on Wednesday, July 6, 2022, at the Cook County Community Center for children in the 6-months to 5-year-old age group using the age-appropriate Moderna vaccine. This follows last week’s decision by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommendation that all... READ MORE >


Ruby’s Pantry Cook County Ruby’s Pantry, 2nd Tuesday of the month food distribution 4:30 p.m. – 6:00 p.m., $25 (cash only) Sponsored by Spirit of the Wilderness Church. You will be amazed at all the food you get at the Cook County Community Center. No financial or other qualifications—this is surplus food for all! Ruby’s Pantry West End Ruby’s Pantry... READ MORE >


Hjordis from a kayak’s viewpoint.... READ MORE >