Brian Larson

Latest Articles:

As I see it: The fate of the Boundary Waters

The Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness is on the horns of a climate dilemma. Along the northern border of Minnesota is the most visited wilderness area in the USA, the Boundary Waters Canoe Area, BWCA. On the south side of the BWCA a Chilean mining company, Antafagasta, wants to open a copper/nickel mine. Unfortunately, the company has a less than... READ MORE >


A baby white-tail deer emerged from a field of wildflowers as Julie Schulberg was walking by. Quick with her camera, she got a nice picture of this sweet-faced fawn.... READ MORE >

Happy Hikers take on the Northern terminus of the Superior Hiking Trail

On July 13 the Happy Hikers will start from the trailhead on Otter Lake Road and hike along the Superior Hiking Trail/ Border Route Trail to the northern terminus of the Superior Hiking Trail and the 270 Degree Overlook, where you will see beautiful views of the Swamp River/Pigeon River valleys and the Canadian border. We will have lunch at... READ MORE >

A shot across the bow

This time of year, the days are long, and the weather is hot. Ahh, summer. Most folks are outside enjoying all things summer – farmer’s markets, picnics, sunscreen. Who knows? You may even find yourself on a boat. If so, you may want to be aware that there’s a different language for the seafarer. In fact, the word “seafarer” should... READ MORE >


What is it about creating things that’s so compelling? Last weekend I participated in a North House Folk School course and came home with a stunning new leather shoulder bag—and I made it myself! Not only that, but the process was both fascinating and fun. Now I’m hooked on yet another craft. A few years ago, I indulged in a... READ MORE >

A 101 primer on how to avoid bug bites

In June when the sun finally came out and the temperature got above 55°F you had a tough time with the blackflies (Family Simuliidae, genus Simulium, a dipteran [having an anterior and posterior wing on either side of its body]). They bothered you in the yard, and in the garden, by the lakeshore and in the woods, and on the... READ MORE >

Fishing report

Tyson at the Beaver House reports that people have been catching plenty of fish in the last week or so. “The walleye bite has been strong. I know people have been catching their limits in Devil Track, Two Island, Hungry Jack, Sag, Sea Gull, Gunflint, Ball Club, Crescent, and Northern Light Lake. A good choice of walleye baits are leeches... READ MORE >


[caption id="attachment_77696" align="aligncenter" width="215"]Photo courtesy of Don Davison[/caption]... READ MORE >


Pileated Family... READ MORE >


Too cute! A Mamma loon piggybacks one of her fluffy three-day old goslings while her other baby snuggles in close as they slowly swim about on the open water.... READ MORE >