Brian Larson
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As I see it: The fate of the Boundary Waters
Brian Larson | July 08, 2022
The Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness is on the horns of a climate dilemma. Along the northern border of Minnesota is the most visited wilderness area in the USA, the Boundary Waters Canoe Area, BWCA. On the south side of the BWCA a Chilean mining company, Antafagasta, wants to open a copper/nickel mine. Unfortunately, the company has a less than... READ MORE >

Brian Larson | July 08, 2022
A baby white-tail deer emerged from a field of wildflowers as Julie Schulberg was walking by. Quick with her camera, she got a nice picture of this sweet-faced fawn.... READ MORE >

Happy Hikers take on the Northern terminus of the Superior Hiking Trail
Brian Larson | July 08, 2022
On July 13 the Happy Hikers will start from the trailhead on Otter Lake Road and hike along the Superior Hiking Trail/ Border Route Trail to the northern terminus of the Superior Hiking Trail and the 270 Degree Overlook, where you will see beautiful views of the Swamp River/Pigeon River valleys and the Canadian border. We will have lunch at... READ MORE >

A shot across the bow
Brian Larson | July 08, 2022
This time of year, the days are long, and the weather is hot. Ahh, summer. Most folks are outside enjoying all things summer – farmer’s markets, picnics, sunscreen. Who knows? You may even find yourself on a boat. If so, you may want to be aware that there’s a different language for the seafarer. In fact, the word “seafarer” should... READ MORE >

Brian Larson | July 08, 2022
What is it about creating things that’s so compelling? Last weekend I participated in a North House Folk School course and came home with a stunning new leather shoulder bag—and I made it myself! Not only that, but the process was both fascinating and fun. Now I’m hooked on yet another craft. A few years ago, I indulged in a... READ MORE >

A 101 primer on how to avoid bug bites
Brian Larson | July 08, 2022
In June when the sun finally came out and the temperature got above 55°F you had a tough time with the blackflies (Family Simuliidae, genus Simulium, a dipteran [having an anterior and posterior wing on either side of its body]). They bothered you in the yard, and in the garden, by the lakeshore and in the woods, and on the... READ MORE >

Fishing report
Brian Larson | July 08, 2022
Tyson at the Beaver House reports that people have been catching plenty of fish in the last week or so. “The walleye bite has been strong. I know people have been catching their limits in Devil Track, Two Island, Hungry Jack, Sag, Sea Gull, Gunflint, Ball Club, Crescent, and Northern Light Lake. A good choice of walleye baits are leeches... READ MORE >

Brian Larson | July 08, 2022
[caption id="attachment_77696" align="aligncenter" width="215"]Photo courtesy of Don Davison[/caption]... READ MORE >

Brian Larson | July 01, 2022
Too cute! A Mamma loon piggybacks one of her fluffy three-day old goslings while her other baby snuggles in close as they slowly swim about on the open water.... READ MORE >