Brian Larson
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GM Playhouse to present “We Will Rock You young@part”
Brian Larson | June 24, 2022
The Grand Marais Playhouse is proud to present “We Will Rock You young@part” June 24-26 at the Arrowhead Center for the Arts. Friday and Saturday at 7 p.m. and Sunday at 1 p.m.. Tickets are $15 adults and $5 youth. Available at Youth in grades 3-8 have been learning 20 Queen songs since April and have put the show... READ MORE >

Deer River Junior League Legion team defeats Cook County
Brian Larson | June 24, 2022
Talk about a tale of two halves. On Tuesday, June 21, visiting Deer River managed to put two runs on the scoreboard in each of the first three innings. Going into the fourth the Warriors led six nothing. Neither team scored in the fourth, but Cook County scored three in the fifth and four in the sixth to go up... READ MORE >

Junior Legion CC/SB beats Barnum
Brian Larson | June 24, 2022
The Vikings Junior Legion Cook County/Silver Bay team traveled to Barnum on June 17 and came away with a 13-6 win. Barnum got off to a 4-0 lead after the first inning of play. The Bombers led 4-2 after two and the score was tied 4-4 after three innings. Neither team scored in the fourth, but the Vikings scored two... READ MORE >

Fast times at Grandma’s Marathon
Brian Larson | June 24, 2022
Nearly perfect running weather greeted the participants in this year’s 45th running of Grandma’s Marathon and 32nd year of the Garry Bjorklund half marathon with fast times recorded over both courses. Temperatures were in the low 60s and there was a nice tailwind helping the runners as they raced from Two Harbors to Duluth along the north shore of Lake... READ MORE >

Charles Burkman was a great Canadian longdistance walker
Brian Larson | June 24, 2022
Before he arrived in Grand Marais on June 15, 1922, on his quest to walk around the world in hopes of winning $20,000, Charles Burkman was already a Canadian hero. Burkman drew my attention after a short write-up about his grand attempt appeared last week in the Cook County News- Herald Memory Lane. So, who was Charles Burkman? Charles Burkman... READ MORE >

Brian Larson | June 24, 2022
Phase two of the work on the Parkside public water access in the Grand Maris Rec Park is progressing well. Last summer the city contractor KGM brought in, and installed rock followed by concrete work to finish the new break wall. A capped sidewalk was placed on the break wall to make it accessible to the public. This summer KGM... READ MORE >

Brush disposal information from Firewise
Brian Larson | June 24, 2022
Attention all Cook County property owners: there are seven community brush disposal sites located throughout Cook County that accept brush and vegetation from property owners. These sites are strategically located to give all county citizens the ability to reduce wildfire risk. With the weather events this spring, Firewise wants to remind all property owners they can dispose of wildfire fuels... READ MORE >

We were world record holders
Brian Larson | June 24, 2022
Taking a few hours away from the recent helter skelter of the office work at the Grandma’s Marathon headquarters, I attended a reunion for the North Shore Striders, a running club that has long since disappeared into the ether but a club that inspired the concept of starting a large marathon along the North Shore of Lake Superior. About 125... READ MORE >

Crime novel by former Cook County News-Herald editor Jay Anderson
Brian Larson | June 24, 2022
“The Flayed Man” by Jay Andersen is a gritty, fast paced procedural crime novel set on the North Shore of Lake Superior in Minnesota. Riverplace Press is releasing the book in time to meet the wishes of readers looking for an exciting summer read. Riverplace is a custom publishing company helping authors craft, print, distribute and sell their books. They... READ MORE >

Conservation Officer Tales
Brian Larson | June 24, 2022
Although the Cook County News-Herald knows that the majority of sportsmen and women are law-abiding folks, there are a few that run afoul of the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) Conservation Officers. Periodically, the DNR provides a report of some of the miscreants the Conservation Officers (CO) have encountered. The News-Herald shares these stories as a reminder to all... READ MORE >