Brian Larson
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Gitchi Gami Trail ribbon cutting ceremony held
Brian Larson | June 24, 2022
The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources and the Gitchi-Gami State Trail Association held a ribbon cutting ceremony for the completed 4.5-mile non-motorized, paved recreational trail segment from Cut Face Creek Wayside to Grand Marais on Tuesday June 14. Kicking the event off was Kevin Johnson, Two Harbors Assistant Area Supervisor, DNR Parks and Trails Division. “I have worked my entire... READ MORE >

Meet Mary Deschampe, Postmaster of Grand Portage, Minnesota. There’s Something About Mary!
Brian Larson | June 24, 2022
While attending the George Morrison FDOI in Grand Portage and conversing with two other attendees, they both somewhat suddenly broke from our conversation and asked if I didn’t mind them talking about the postmaster of Grand Portage, Mary Deschampe. I said not at all, and I must say I have never heard customers speak in such high praise and admiration... READ MORE >

Brian Larson | June 24, 2022
Ladies at North Shore Living gathered on Tuesday, May 3rd to fancify hats for our big Cook County horse derby. Friday, May 6th horses, owners and visitors gathered in anticipation to see who would win the Purse. At the sound of the bell eight pool noodle horses bolted, well sort of bolted out of the gate for fun-filled races complete... READ MORE >

Grand Marais PUC seeking participants for home EV Charging Pilot Program
Brian Larson | June 24, 2022
The Grand Marais Public Utilities Commission has approved the creation of a pilot ‘time-of-use’ rate for utility customers with electric vehicles who wish to charge their EVs at home. The purpose of the rate is to promote electric vehicles while responding to increased demand from electrification. The new rate is structured to incentivize charging during off-peak hours. During the period... READ MORE >

Fireworks safety
Brian Larson | June 24, 2022
Minnesotans celebrate our nation’s independence each year on the Fourth of July with parades, backyard barbecues, family get togethers, camping and campfires, and yes, fireworks! Did you know that more than 30 percent of fireworks injuries is from sparklers? There is an average of 75 hospital visits each year in Minnesota due to fireworks injuries. Nearly 45 percent of fireworks... READ MORE >

The Arrowhead Regional Arts Council announces Rebecca Graves as new Executive Director
Brian Larson | June 24, 2022
The Arrowhead Regional Arts Council (ARAC) is pleased to announce Rebecca Graves has been appointed as the new Executive Director by ARAC’s board of directors. She will be joining the ARAC team August 1, 2022. Rebecca is a tribal enrolled citizen of the Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe. Prior to joining ARAC, Rebecca served as the Executive Director for the... READ MORE >

It takes a community to host a community event
Brian Larson | June 24, 2022
Last weekend North House Folk School hosted the 25th annual Wooden Boat Show, marking the start of summer, drawing thousands of guests to campus over the three days, and bringing together numerous community organizations and local businesses. “I want to thank this community for all the work and generosity that goes into making the Wooden Boat Show a success,” said... READ MORE >

Weekly Weather
Brian Larson | June 24, 2022
[caption id="attachment_77355" align="aligncenter" width="49"] [/caption]... READ MORE >

Education Beat: Stopping the Slide
Brian Larson | June 24, 2022
Summer is a time for kids to kick back, take a break from routine, and enjoy lazy days. It also, in many cases, is when learning loss- aka “The Summer Slide” can take place. Summer setbacks are nothing new regarding academics and the phenomenon has been researched by educators since the beginning of time. On average, student achievement can decline... READ MORE >

COVID-19 cases continue to climb
Brian Larson | June 24, 2022
COVID-19 looks like it is here to stay. At least for the near future. This past week the county PHHS reported 24 new cases over the last seven days. That brought the total count to 1,060 since the start of the pandemic. Cook County has 3,209 folks who are up to date on their vaccinations. “Up to date” is the... READ MORE >