Stephen Aldrich
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Wondering ‘61
Stephen Aldrich | February 25, 2022
WARNING: This column is mundane. Last week I needed to replace small bottles of low dose (baby=81mg) aspirin and saline nasal spray. I knew that both were carried by the pharmacy at Sawtooth Mountain Clinic. I wondered availability at other Grand Marais stores and how the prices compared. [If you don’t shop mostly in Grand Marais, you may want to... READ MORE >

All Things Tettegouche
Stephen Aldrich | February 18, 2022
Last year, I had two simple questions. Where does the name of Tettegouche State Park come from? And what does it mean? Little did I know that I would have to mine the depths of the Internet to learn the answers. [Not the Dark Web, I assure you.] From many sources, including a prior “Wondering 61” column, we all know... READ MORE >

Way off the beaten path Albatross: Neither Burden nor Book Review
Stephen Aldrich | January 28, 2022
Dave Saari’s new golf murder mystery ends at St. Urho’s golf course in Nolalu, Ontario. While driving to the Thunder Bay Country Club, I saw a sign on Highway 61 advertising that course to the northwest. After a pleasant 18 holes with retired dentist Gary Post at the 9-hole CC, I mentioned the St. Urho sign. Gary and his friend... READ MORE >

Researching Cook County
Stephen Aldrich | January 14, 2022
I recently was filing the certificate of a joyous wedding at the County Recorder’s Office. For sale for $10 while they last is the 2012 Cook County Plat Book and Land Atlas, about to be updated. Original price was $35.00. Being curious, a sucker for a bargain, and always on the lookout for information sources, I bought one. The Atlas... READ MORE >

Stone Cairns
Stephen Aldrich | December 24, 2021
Not Long ago, our industrious editor punily suggested a column on stone cairns with some special focus on counter-culture folk. He noted that a hot spot for cairn building is the rocky beach route to the lighthouse in the summer. A dictionary (maybe Merriam-Webster) used by Cynthia (see below) says “Cairn” is from Scottish carne, akin to Gaelic carn “heap... READ MORE >

One Moose Apart goes to Washington
Stephen Aldrich | December 10, 2021
Last February, with the help of Visit Cook County’s Linda Jurek, I sent information on our “One Moose Apart” program to the Smithsonian. I recently heard from the staff of the Medicine and Science section; they want to include One Moose Apart in their collection of materials on the COVID-19 pandemic. The form to submit materials requests a personal narrative.... READ MORE >

The Dew Boys of Golf
Stephen Aldrich | December 03, 2021
Columnist’s note: After I played an early round at Gunflint Hills with the Junior Dew Boys, Bruce Futterer was kind enough to share their story with me. I have edited it for length and clarity. Thank you, Bruce. Bruce Futterer recalls: The Dew Boys golf group began as a couple’s group in the 1950’s, playing after work. After retirement, the... READ MORE >

Lightning Strike Learnings
Stephen Aldrich | November 12, 2021
Disclosure: Your colum- Disclosure: Your columnist is descended from Aldens and Aldriches who took part in “cleansing” New England of Native Americans, beginning soon after 1620 and 1631. I did not learn that in history classes. And a family genealogy reports that George Aldrich was one of the 1660’s founders of Mendon, Mass. No mention is made of the first... READ MORE >

Writing near 61
Stephen Aldrich | October 01, 2021
Caveat Lector: This column has slimmest relationships to Highway 61– (1) The Eastern Townships of Quebec are connected to Cook County by the Lake Superior Circle Route and the TransCanada Highway. (2) The Author’s ancestors stopped in those Townships for thirty-four years. (3) There are many writers in Cook County. If you are distressed about the slimness, do remember the... READ MORE >

Seven Bridges to our memories
Stephen Aldrich | September 17, 2021
Long before I drove on or knew anything about Seven Bridges Road in Duluth, an artist client preferred to trade one of his impressionist paintings of a bridge there instead of cash for a first meeting. A photo is below. I don’t recall if he ever came back, but I walk past the 13” by 16” painting every day on... READ MORE >