Stephen Aldrich
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Do you know your way to SNA?
Stephen Aldrich | June 24, 2022
I first became acquainted with Minnesota DNR Scientific and Natural Areas (”SNA’s”) I drove along Highway 61 from Duluth. There are two SNA’s showing up on signs as you drive by: Ionas Beach in Lake County and Sugarloaf Point in Cook County. When I was ready to sell my 22.95-acre Mississippi River Island, river milepost 1160, SE of Grand Rapids... READ MORE >

Who’d have thunk?
Stephen Aldrich | June 17, 2022
Surprise! Surprise! Your loyal columnist is not the first person to wonder about Highway 61 and its environs. Cathy Wurzer had a PBS TV series entitled Tales of the Road Highway 61 and a 2008 book of the same title resulted (Minnesota Historical Society). There she tells us many things I did not know about the road by our homes.... READ MORE >

Golf: Not for Rob’s Tulip
Stephen Aldrich | May 20, 2022
Dissed by a Tulip! I reached a low point when Rob Perez’ talking tulip gave the back of its stem to my summer game. But we soldier on in the face of floral Naysayers who dare not pick up the glove. Having gone near stir-crazy from Covid isolation, I decided to get some exercise, check out our local muni golf... READ MORE >

Avoiding Covid Stupid
Stephen Aldrich | May 13, 2022
I masked, washed often and only associated with other immunized folk- -and tested positive for Covid 19 virus Friday night after a 13-day trip. She warned me. Healthcare people warned me. But not so persuasively that I tested regularly. Mea culpa (a Latin way of saying, “I blew it”). She hasn’t left me (for worse), but we are now living... READ MORE >

Heaven’s Doors
Stephen Aldrich | April 29, 2022
Did you know that the Heaven’s Door brand of whiskies features a “Highway 61 Blend” of straight whiskey? We knew that Highway 61 brought us to God’s country but to Heaven’s Door? The WCTU was sure that whiskey was the door to hell. Although bottled in Tennessee, the label says “blended by Ace Spirits” of Hopkins, Minnesota. (Son David introduced... READ MORE >

Wondering ‘61
Stephen Aldrich | April 22, 2022
I love Rob Perez’ writing. He is creative and funny. Likely, if we ever meet in person, I will like him, too. His recent column, “Man versus Golf,” prompted me to want to address the reasons why he might like golf at our local course, Gunflint Hills. My persuasion starts with the very values he revealed in that column. First,... READ MORE >

Pity those too “poor” to get richer
Stephen Aldrich | April 08, 2022
Today we put aside Jesus’ warning about how a rich man needs to go through the eye of a needle with his camel to get to heaven. Instead, we consider the “plight” of those who are too “poor” to invest and too rich to complain. Much like the Missouri River being too thick to drink and too thin to plow.... READ MORE >

Wondering ‘61
Stephen Aldrich | April 01, 2022
Having eaten too many carbs, I ballooned to 265 pounds. The tests said I was a type II diabetic. “Control your carbs,” the doctors said, especially sugar. So, I returned to using artificial sweeteners in the 12 or so cups of decaf coffee I drink each day. About that same time, Stevia began making headlines as a more” natural” product,... READ MORE >

Bedrock Rules: Non-Carpe Flintstones?
Stephen Aldrich | March 25, 2022
I became aware of the geological importance of northern Minnesota when my uncle Tom Aldrich went to the Ely area around the 1970’s. His long-term interest was understanding the basic science of the earth’s crust. Tom’s team exploded things and measured the resulting sound waves passing through the 3.5-billion-year-old rock. Fast forward to today. I retired my credentials but continue... READ MORE >

Wondering ‘61
Stephen Aldrich | March 04, 2022
In 1972-3 I was privileged to serve as one of two law clerks to the late Honorable Philip Neville, Judge of U.S. District Court. During that time, he decided Izaak Walton League v. Saint Clair, et al, 3 ELR 20196, 1973, 497 F. 2nd 849 (8th Cir. 1974), 353 F.Supp. 698 (D. Minn. 1973). [The citations here are typical for... READ MORE >