Stephen Aldrich
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Return to living more green
Stephen Aldrich | January 20, 2023
We can live greener. Let us count the ways. We asked readers to send their suggestions for living greener—using fewer resources, especially fossil fuels, using less single-use plastic, and wasting less. Two local readers, and Diane Hiniker did. My niece, Erin Aldrich did as well, and fellow columnist Ann Mershon wrote a timely column of her own on better... READ MORE >

Portraits of courage
Stephen Aldrich | January 06, 2023
Now familiar warning to Readers: This column has attenuated ties to Minnesota Highway 61. If that offends you, turn the page. Ties do exist–the writer resides two blocks from 61; he read the e-book version while here; he once visited Marseilles and Perpignan castle near Spain; and in 1973, he knew Marly Rusoff, whose uber-literary agency repped author Meg Waite... READ MORE >

In the 2022 Rear View Mirror
Stephen Aldrich | December 31, 2022
Here we are on the cusp of a New Year, readying our voices for Auld Lang Syne with some fortified eggnog. If we are reading this paper, compared to most people in the world, we are very, very lucky. Lucky to have walls, roof, and heat—and folks who plow snow. Lucky to have four grocery stores nearby and food shelves,... READ MORE >

Swinging many ways on 61
Stephen Aldrich | December 16, 2022
If you live in or near a small city, as we all do on 61, you learn soon that people have to wear many hats to get everything done. Grand Marais is fortunate to have overqualified people who can wear those many hats. One columnist and retired small business owner works at Holiday along with a retired money man from... READ MORE >

Our Democracy at work
Stephen Aldrich | December 09, 2022
It was a quiet day in the Cook County seat. A recount was required by law because the difference in the Ecklund/Skraba State House race was only 15 votes. Fifteen votes separated the two District 3A candidates when more than 21,000 votes were cast in that race. There were no demonstrations, no arguments, and no threats of lawsuits or bodily... READ MORE >

Wondering ‘61
Stephen Aldrich | December 02, 2022
Help! We all want to live in a way that reduces warming of the planet, makes more waste biodegradable, uses less plastic and fewer resources. As we attempt to do so, I find that there is too much information available on the internet— and not enough. For example, trying to reduce plastic waste from laundry detergent and bleach, I tried... READ MORE >

Wondering Safer Places?
Stephen Aldrich | November 18, 2022
Many people come to the Minnesota Arrowhead for hunting. Most of the hunting is by long guns, primarily rifles. So, I have wondered—is there support around here for any actions that would reduce the likelihood, and “success” of, mass shootings? How can our Arrowhead and country be safer places. Revolvers, usually six-shot, are already shell limited; forget them for now.... READ MORE >

Wandering for Votes
Stephen Aldrich | November 11, 2022
Every two years, since I retired from judging, I have walked the streets of my home city to help elect people to public office. It’s a small contribution to our democracy. That seems especially important this year. The world is run by those who show up, they say. As I drove and walked Grand Marais carrying reminder brochures and lists... READ MORE >

The day I nearly did the White House Press Briefing
Stephen Aldrich | October 28, 2022
Buyer Beware. This column is memoir, not exploration of 61 oddities. The ties to Highway 61 are thin—the author lives here and we do have flooding. Just ask the Lutsen Resorts two pedestrian bridges. On a 1966 summer day in the rococo Executive Office Building, my phone rings. An aide to Domestic Affairs Advisor Joe Califano says he wants to... READ MORE >

Leaning Toward Social Democracy
Stephen Aldrich | October 21, 2022
Our North Shore has been dubbed the Scandinavian Riviera. Given the Finns who settled around the Baptism River, it better may be called the Nordic Riviera. Finns are not Scandinavian, just ask them or check their language, so unlike their neighbors. So, do not call Finns “Scandinavian;” call them Nordic; Icelanders, too. You wonder why we bother with Scandinavian versus... READ MORE >