Staff Reports
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Art, dance and fish coming to Arts Festival
Staff Reports | June 15, 2013
The Grand Marais Art Colony is collaborating with artist, writer and dancer Emily Johnson and the Catalyst Dance Company this summer, bringing multi-media experience to Grand Marais. Through dance, music, storytelling, demonstration and creation, Johnson strives to engage the audience within and through a space and environment, interacting with a place’s architecture, history and role in community. Free outdoor performances... READ MORE >

Higher Ed offers guest lecture on Civil War history
Staff Reports | June 15, 2013
The next Guest Lecture event at Cook County Higher Education will feature Hillary Freeman and Carol Mork who will present Telling the Story of a Civil War Battle: Our Stones River National Battlefield Volunteer Experience. The talk will be Thursday, June 20, 2013, 7:00 – 8:30 p.m. at the North Shore Campus in Grand Marais. In April and May 2013,... READ MORE >

New Cook County Chamber of Commerce “open for business”
Staff Reports | June 15, 2013
The new Cook County Chamber of Commerce is “open for business in more ways than one,” Jim Boyd, interim Chamber executive director, reports. The countywide Chamber, successor to the Grand Marais Area Chamber of Commerce, will focus on being an effective voice for all Cook County businesses, Boyd said. Its emphasis will be on promoting economic development in Cook County... READ MORE >

Caregiver’s Support Group meets again in June
Staff Reports | June 15, 2013
The Caregiver’s Support Group, established in March, has filled a need in the community. The first meetings have been very well attended and participants have found the chance to learn from one another extremely helpful. The next meeting of the group will be Tuesday, June 18 at the First Congregational Church in Grand Marais from noon to 1:30 p.m. Bring... READ MORE >

Great season for Viking track and field
Staff Reports | June 15, 2013
As senior sprinter Peter Warren headed to the State track meet, Coach April Wahlstrom took a look back at the great season that just finished for all of the Viking Track Team members. Wahlstrom said she really enjoyed coaching at the Polar League Conference meet. “Once the Polar League Conference meet rolls around it is always so fun because kids... READ MORE >

Poetry Night at the Grand Marais Public Library
Staff Reports | June 01, 2013
Do you have a favorite poem that you just love to read out loud? Have you written a poem that is ready to be shared with others? Do you just like to learn new poems—or hear classics read once again? Join your friends and neighbors at the Grand Marais Public Library on the last Wednesday of each month from 7... READ MORE >

Improve customer service with Higher Ed training
Staff Reports | June 01, 2013
Higher Ed and the Cook County Visitors Bureau will offer customer service training on June 26 and 27. The instructor will be Mike Prom, owner of Voyageur Canoe Outfitters. Prom is a professional trainer who mixes wit, whimsy and solid practical information to impress on those taking his classes the importance of converting customers into clients or even friends. This... READ MORE >

Higher Ed offers alcohol server training
Staff Reports | June 01, 2013
Cook County Higher Ed, working with the Cook County Sheriff ’s Office and the Minnesota Department of Public Safety, will offer alcohol server training June 19 and 20. On June 19, the training will be held from 5-7 p.m. at Cascade Lodge. On the 20th, training will be held from 10 a.m. to noon at Windigo Lodge. Cost of the... READ MORE >

“Boat Friends” new summer program at North House
Staff Reports | May 25, 2013
This summer, North House Folk School launches a new wooden boat adoption program specifically designed for local summer residents. The school is looking for water-loving folks who want to lavish some TLC on a small wooden boat this spring, summer and fall. The reward? Countless placid evenings, halcyon mornings, and the occasional calm afternoon spent rowing around the Grand Marais... READ MORE >

Social Media – like it or not at May business luncheon
Staff Reports | May 25, 2013
Social media – Facebook, Twitter and all their cousins – offer huge potential for marketing your business. But managing them well isn’t always easy, and ignoring them can be downright dangerous. That’s because just about all businesses are on social media whether they choose to be or not – through TripAdvisor, Yelp and other types of consumer driven review sites.... READ MORE >