Staff Reports
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Carlson and Larsen attend French program
Staff Reports | October 27, 2012
Two local students—Nate Carlson and Sarah Larsen—participated in the Concordia Language Villages program by attending Lac du Bois, the French language village in Bemidji. Nate is the son of Rodney and Julie Carlson of Grand Marais. Sarah is the daughter of Ralph Larsen and Sandy Stover of Grand Marais. By attending Lac du Bois, students experienced a simulated visit to... READ MORE >

New countywide chamber launched at meeting with legislators
Staff Reports | October 27, 2012
“We are excited to announce the launching of the Cook County Chamber of Commerce,” said Howard Hedstrom, a member of the organizing committee and president of Hedstrom Lumber in Grand Marais. “The new chamber will create a single voice representing all county businesses from all sectors.” “This is a collaborative effort to move the business community beyond traditional business and... READ MORE >

Hovland Fire Department harvest potluck fundraiser
Staff Reports | October 27, 2012
The Hovland Volunteer Fire Department is sponsoring its annual deer harvest potluck supper with a silent auction on Saturday, Nov. 10 at 6:30 p.m. at the Hovland Town Hall. The HVFD is hoping to raise more money to help pay for the CO-Oximeter that has been received through a North Shore Health Care Facility grant. The device is a meter... READ MORE >

Two chances to save lives by donating blood
Staff Reports | October 27, 2012
Cook County residents are encouraged to help save lives by donating blood, and there will be two opportunities to do so next month. In addition, giving a donation of blood will mean a donation to the Second Harvest food shelf program. For every donation, a pound of food will be donated to Second Harvest. Over the past four years, by... READ MORE >

Higher Ed offers QuickBooks course
Staff Reports | October 27, 2012
A day-long QuickBooks course will be offered at Cook County Higher Ed on Wednesday, Nov. 14. Instructor is Jennifer Pontinen of the UMD Center for Economic Development Small Business Development Center in Virginia, MN. The class will cover the basic functions of this best-selling business accounting software for small businesses. This is the same class at the same cost as... READ MORE >

Minnesota Court of Appeals rules that wolf season can continue
Staff Reports | October 20, 2012
On October 10, the Minnesota Court of Appeals rejected a request for a preliminary injunction that would have stopped the state’s inaugural wolf hunting and trapping season. That means the planned wolf hunting and trapping seasons will go as planned this fall and winter. Consistent with state law, the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) will issue 6,000 licenses, and... READ MORE >

October Business Luncheon speakers will evaluate local economy
Staff Reports | October 20, 2012
Randy Lasky of Northspan Group, a Duluth nonprofit that focuses on economic development, and Josh Bergstad of the Arrowhead Regional Development Commission have spent a great deal of time in recent months focusing on the Cook County economy. At Cook County Higher Ed’s October Business Networking Luncheon, Lasky and Bergstad will talk about what they have learned thus far. Their... READ MORE >

Halloween fundraiser planned to save co-op mural
Staff Reports | October 20, 2012
A Halloween fundraiser to raise funds for preservation of the mosaic mural on the exterior of the Cook County Whole Foods Co-op has been planned for Friday, Oct. 26 at the old Playhouse (above Betsy Bowen’s studio). It will be a family event early in the evening, with dancing for grown-ups later, and possibly a special dispensation (a license) to... READ MORE >

Halloween fun planned
Staff Reports | October 20, 2012
Boo! Several traditional Cook County events are once again on the calendar. The Cook County Community Center will host a party including treats, crafts and games, cakewalk and a food drive contest on Wednesday, Oct. 31 from 3:45 to 7 p.m. The costume contest for all ages is at 5:30 p.m. To donate a cake, cookies, or sweet treats, contact... READ MORE >

Additional count of criminal sexual conduct filed against Grand Portage man
Staff Reports | October 20, 2012
Joel Ray Allard, 36, Grand Portage, incarcerated at Aitkin County Jail since being arrested on September 6, 2012 for alleged sexual contact or attempted contact with minor females, sexual predatory behavior and inappropriate photographs of a sexual nature involving minor females, is facing another charge. On September 20, Cook County Social Services workers took the statement of a minor child... READ MORE >