Staff Reports
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Film premiere of Sled Dogs to St. Paul
Staff Reports | November 03, 2012
Sled Dogs to Saint Paul: The Race for Clean Water, a documentary film created by Grand Marais filmmakers Kelly Schoenfelder and Patrick Knight, will premiere Friday, Nov. 9 at Betsy Bowen’s What’s Upstairs in Grand Marais. There will be two showings, at 6:30 and 8 p.m. There is no charge to attend, and the public is invited. The film follows... READ MORE >

Steaming bowls of soup and more at Empty Bowls
Staff Reports | November 03, 2012
Every month over 100 families in our community experience hunger. For this reason, annually, the Grand Marais Art Colony organizes the Empty Bowls Dinner and Silent Auction, an art-full fundraiser for the Food Shelf. The community is invited to Empty Bowls at the First Congregational Church at 300 West 2nd Street on Thursday, November 8. For a suggested donation of... READ MORE >

Fleece to Felt fun at the Library
Staff Reports | November 03, 2012
The public is invited to a free “fleecy” family event at the Grand Marais Public Library on Friday, November 9 at 6:00 p.m. The Duluth Art Institute is bringing fiber art to the far reaches of the Northland. Join them for Fleece to Felt: Make ‘n Take Your Own Felted Butterfly. Learn how to transform fluffy, colorful sheep’s wool into... READ MORE >

Cook County Active Living Summit not your “average meeting”
Staff Reports | November 03, 2012
Organizers of the November 14 Cook County Active Living Summit promise that the event won’t be your “average meeting.” The Grand Marais Active Living Steering Committee is hosting the event and 62 people have already signed up. Kristin Wharton, Active Living Steering Committee coordinator, explained that the summit is an opportunity for community leaders, elected officials, business leaders, transportation professionals,... READ MORE >

Tribal lands closed to wolf hunting
Staff Reports | November 03, 2012
The first-ever wolf hunt begins Saturday, November 3 and the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) reminds hunters that Chippewa tribal lands are closed to wolf hunting. All Chippewa bands have declared tribal lands to be off-limits to wolf hunting and trapping for the harvest seasons that start this Saturday. Most Minnesota Chippewa reservation boundaries encompass tribal, public and private... READ MORE >

Honoring our veterans
Staff Reports | November 03, 2012
For the past two years, Cook County School District 166 has hosted a concert in recognition of Veteran’s Day. This year’s event will be held the day after Veteran’s Day, on Monday, November 12 at 2:30 p.m. The concert is conducted in cooperation with American Legion Post 413. The concert will be held in the varsity gym and is open... READ MORE >

Two chances to save lives by donating blood
Staff Reports | October 27, 2012
Cook County residents are encouraged to help save lives by donating blood, and there will be two opportunities to do so next month. In addition, giving a donation of blood will mean a donation to the Second Harvest food shelf program. For every donation, a pound of food will be donated to Second Harvest. Over the past four years, by... READ MORE >

Carlson and Larsen attend French program
Staff Reports | October 27, 2012
Two local students—Nate Carlson and Sarah Larsen—participated in the Concordia Language Villages program by attending Lac du Bois, the French language village in Bemidji. Nate is the son of Rodney and Julie Carlson of Grand Marais. Sarah is the daughter of Ralph Larsen and Sandy Stover of Grand Marais. By attending Lac du Bois, students experienced a simulated visit to... READ MORE >

New penalties for deer baiting
Staff Reports | October 27, 2012
Participants in Minnesota’s firearm deer season will be greeted with new penalties for baiting violations when they go afield Nov. 3. “It seems that every year our officers are spending more and more time responding to complaints about baiting or discovering it while on patrol,” said Lt. Col. Rodmen Smith, Minnesota DNR Enforcement Division assistant director. “We hope these new... READ MORE >

Hovland Fire Department harvest potluck fundraiser
Staff Reports | October 27, 2012
The Hovland Volunteer Fire Department is sponsoring its annual deer harvest potluck supper with a silent auction on Saturday, Nov. 10 at 6:30 p.m. at the Hovland Town Hall. The HVFD is hoping to raise more money to help pay for the CO-Oximeter that has been received through a North Shore Health Care Facility grant. The device is a meter... READ MORE >