Staff Reports
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Mark your calendar for Storytelling Dinner at Lutsen Resort
Staff Reports | November 17, 2012
The North Shore Commercial Fishing Museum is now planning for its Annual Storytelling Dinner at Lutsen Resort Saturday, December 1. The museum is excited to have Adolph Ojard as our guest speaker. Ojard is the executive director of the Duluth Seaway Port Authority. He is a native of Knife River and the grandson of two fishing families—the Torgersens and the... READ MORE >

Financial planner Tracy Benson to speak at Business Luncheon
Staff Reports | November 17, 2012
Tracy Benson, retail manager at Buck’s Hardware Hank in Grand Marais, previously worked as a certified financial planner and retirement plans associate with Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc., in Minneapolis. Benson will put on her financial planner hat for Cook County Higher Ed’s November Business Networking Luncheon. She will offer advice to business owners on Retirement: Making Your Next Big Adventure... READ MORE >

Great season for Junior Varsity Knowledge Bowl team
Staff Reports | November 17, 2012
Cook County scholars have once again demonstrated their great wealth of knowledge at the Junior Varsity Knowledge Bowl competition, an academic competition geared for students in 9th and 10th grades. The questions tackled during the competition include the content that is taught in 9th and 10th grades but can also include topics and questions from previous years of school. Members... READ MORE >

Middle School brings fall forest hikes to life
Staff Reports | November 17, 2012
On Monday, October 29, Cook County News-Herald Editor Rhonda Silence had the honor—and very tough task— of judging the Cook County Middle School Fall Hike Photo Contest. Silence said it was an incredibly difficult job, as all of the students did a wonderful job capturing the fall forest. There were many entries that captured the beautiful colors of the North... READ MORE >

Higher Ed tobacco free for two years
Staff Reports | November 17, 2012
Cook County Higher Education (CCHE) North Shore Campus and the American Lung Association-Tobacco Free Campus Program came together two years ago to pass a tobacco free campus policy. The two entities have been working together since then to keep the policy strong. Paula Sundet-Wolf, CCHE executive director, said the North Shore Campus made the change in June 2010, joining 17... READ MORE >

Banadad Trail Association reaches fundraising goal
Staff Reports | November 17, 2012
The Banadad Trail Association (BTA) held its annual meeting on Sunday, October 21 and announced that the association has reached its fundraising goal to support a trail construction project on the historic ski trail. BTA President Linda Bosma said the organization met and exceeded its fundraising goal to support a reroute of the west end of the Banadad Ski Trail.... READ MORE >

CCHS Band members take part in UMD Honor Band performance
Staff Reports | November 10, 2012
Members of the Cook County High School band participated in the University of Minnesota-Duluth Honor Band performance on Saturday, November 3. Seniors Colin Everson, Mara MacDonell, Luke Fenwick, Bjorn Johnson, and Sarah Larsen and sophomore Libby Zafft joined two bands with 200 students from 57 high schools from Minnesota and Wisconsin, performing beautiful works by composer/conductor Dr. Frank Ticheli. The... READ MORE >

Michael Monroe concert celebrates release of DVD retrospective
Staff Reports | November 10, 2012
Musician Michael Monroe of rural Grand Marais is turning 60 and living with “chronic happiness syndrome.” In celebration of this and the release of a DVD, Life of My Time, he will be appearing at 1 p.m. Sunday, November 18 at the Heights Theater in Columbia Heights for a reception, concert and preview of the DVD. The DVD, funded through... READ MORE >

Buck’s Big Buck Contest
Staff Reports | November 10, 2012
If you hadn’t realized it because of the all the blaze-orange-clad people in town and in the woods, deer hunting season is in full swing. Part of the excitement of the season is watching the board at Buck’s Hardware to see who is taking the lead in Buck’s Big Buck Contest. At press time Jeff Hughey of Twin Lake, Michigan... READ MORE >

Tribal lands closed to wolf hunting
Staff Reports | November 03, 2012
The first-ever wolf hunt begins Saturday, November 3 and the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) reminds hunters that Chippewa tribal lands are closed to wolf hunting. All Chippewa bands have declared tribal lands to be off-limits to wolf hunting and trapping for the harvest seasons that start this Saturday. Most Minnesota Chippewa reservation boundaries encompass tribal, public and private... READ MORE >