Staff Reports
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Bell ringing—a holiday tradition
Staff Reports | November 24, 2012
“As one ages time seems to move more quickly and suddenly again it’s time to place those Salvation Army red kettles into our local businesses,” said Mary Sanders, coordinator of the red kettle campaign in Cook County. “Of course the vital factor in this campaign’s success is having attendants at the kettles!” Sanders explained that volunteer attendants can simply be... READ MORE >

GES holds 10th annual meeting
Staff Reports | November 24, 2012
“Sometimes it feels like we’ve been doing this forever, and sometimes it feels like we’ve just started.” So said Amy Henrikson, business manager, ex-officio board member, and parent of two students at Great Expectations School (GES). The school recently held its 10th annual meeting and reflected on the original vision for the school and how it is lived out on... READ MORE >

New Gunflint District ranger named
Staff Reports | November 24, 2012
On November 19, the Superior National Forest announced the appointment of Nancy S. Larson as the new district ranger for the Gunflint District based in Grand Marais. Larson will take over the position formerly held by Dennis Neitzke and temporarily filled by Jenifer Kevil from Hood River, Oregon. Larson will oversee management activities on 394,000 acres of national forest system... READ MORE >

Peace of Mind broadband project to help seniors stay in their homes
Staff Reports | November 24, 2012
In an effort to demonstrate to older Cook County adults the potential value for them in the broadband network currently being installed by Arrowhead Electric, the Cook County Broadband Commission and the county medical community have teamed up to conduct an Aging in Place demonstration project they’re calling “Peace of Mind.” The objective of the project is to show how... READ MORE >

Looking for cross country skiers to share the sport with kids
Staff Reports | November 24, 2012
Do you love to cross country ski? Cook County’s youth ski league invites you to share your love of cross country skiing and being active in the winter with Cook County youth. The Youth Ski League will be starting soon and is looking for adults to help lead groups and teach kids to cross country ski. Now is also the... READ MORE >

Moose hunters see 60 percent success rate in 2012
Staff Reports | November 24, 2012
State-licensed hunters registered 46 bulls during the 16-day bull moose season, according to the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR). In the 2012 lottery, 76 once-in-a-lifetime bull moose licenses were issued in 30 zones, down from 105 bull moose licenses in 2011. A total of 3,436 applicants consisting of 1,669 parties of two to four hunters applied for the 76... READ MORE >

Pastor Rudloff to be installed at Life in Christ
Staff Reports | November 24, 2012
Life in Christ Lutheran Church is pleased to announce that Pastor Dean Rudloff of Silver Bay has accepted the call to serve as minister of the congregation. An installation service will be held Sunday, December 2 at 4 p.m. at the Cook County Community Center in Grand Marais. The service will be conducted by the Reverend Don Fondow, president of... READ MORE >

Council on Aging seeks board members
Staff Reports | November 17, 2012
There is always something happening at the senior center in Grand Marais and there are always questions and concerns about senior living in Cook County that need to be addressed. One entity that works to meet those needs is the Cook County Council on Aging. The council is seeking members to join its board of directors. The council oversees operations... READ MORE >

Financial planner Tracy Benson to speak at Business Luncheon
Staff Reports | November 17, 2012
Tracy Benson, retail manager at Buck’s Hardware Hank in Grand Marais, previously worked as a certified financial planner and retirement plans associate with Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc., in Minneapolis. Benson will put on her financial planner hat for Cook County Higher Ed’s November Business Networking Luncheon. She will offer advice to business owners on Retirement: Making Your Next Big Adventure... READ MORE >

Great season for Junior Varsity Knowledge Bowl team
Staff Reports | November 17, 2012
Cook County scholars have once again demonstrated their great wealth of knowledge at the Junior Varsity Knowledge Bowl competition, an academic competition geared for students in 9th and 10th grades. The questions tackled during the competition include the content that is taught in 9th and 10th grades but can also include topics and questions from previous years of school. Members... READ MORE >