Staff Reports
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Vehicle rollover on Lutsen Ski Hill Road
Staff Reports | December 01, 2012
Emergency responders were called out for a vehicle rollover on November 16, 2012 on Lutsen Ski Hill Road. James Coleman, 31, Lutsen, left the roadway and his 2002 Toyota Tundra ended up on its roof just above the pedestrian/ ski bridge. There was no ambulance transport, but Cook County Sheriff deputies and Minnesota State Patrol responded. Citations were issued to... READ MORE >

A special Blue Christmas worship December 6
Staff Reports | December 01, 2012
Holidays in our culture are often about families, and families are not always happy institutions. It can be a particularly difficult time for people who are grieving the death of a loved one, the death of a relationship, or even the death of a pet. People who are grieving often feel they are in a bleak landscape while everyone around... READ MORE >

Mail-A-Book delivers to your door
Staff Reports | December 01, 2012
As the cold winter approaches and driving becomes difficult, paperback books, DVDs, and audio books on CD can arrive in your mailbox. The Mail-A-Book service from the Arrowhead Library System (ALS) loans paperback books and other items via the U.S. Mail, free of charge. This tax-supported service provides library items directly to your mailbox including the cost of postage. They... READ MORE >

Preliminary 2012 firearm deer harvest numbers released
Staff Reports | December 01, 2012
Minnesota hunters harvested 151,400 deer so far during the 2012 early firearm season, according to preliminary numbers announced by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR). Overall, antlered buck harvest increased 9 percent and antlerless deer harvest decreased 21 percent compared to 2011. In total, firearm harvest was off 7 percent, which was expected given the conservative allocation of antlerless... READ MORE >

WordPress training offered at Higher Ed
Staff Reports | December 01, 2012
Cook County Higher Education is offering a full day of training in the use of WordPress, a free software for creating and managing websites, on Tuesday, Dec. 11. The instructor will be Don Bremer, a dynamic rocket-scientist turned-computer-training-guru who wowed folks with his Excel training at Higher Ed in October. The training will consist of two modules; the first is... READ MORE >

New Gunflint District ranger named
Staff Reports | November 24, 2012
On November 19, the Superior National Forest announced the appointment of Nancy S. Larson as the new district ranger for the Gunflint District based in Grand Marais. Larson will take over the position formerly held by Dennis Neitzke and temporarily filled by Jenifer Kevil from Hood River, Oregon. Larson will oversee management activities on 394,000 acres of national forest system... READ MORE >

Bell ringing—a holiday tradition
Staff Reports | November 24, 2012
“As one ages time seems to move more quickly and suddenly again it’s time to place those Salvation Army red kettles into our local businesses,” said Mary Sanders, coordinator of the red kettle campaign in Cook County. “Of course the vital factor in this campaign’s success is having attendants at the kettles!” Sanders explained that volunteer attendants can simply be... READ MORE >

Peace of Mind broadband project to help seniors stay in their homes
Staff Reports | November 24, 2012
In an effort to demonstrate to older Cook County adults the potential value for them in the broadband network currently being installed by Arrowhead Electric, the Cook County Broadband Commission and the county medical community have teamed up to conduct an Aging in Place demonstration project they’re calling “Peace of Mind.” The objective of the project is to show how... READ MORE >

Pastor Rudloff to be installed at Life in Christ
Staff Reports | November 24, 2012
Life in Christ Lutheran Church is pleased to announce that Pastor Dean Rudloff of Silver Bay has accepted the call to serve as minister of the congregation. An installation service will be held Sunday, December 2 at 4 p.m. at the Cook County Community Center in Grand Marais. The service will be conducted by the Reverend Don Fondow, president of... READ MORE >

Destination College 2013
Staff Reports | November 24, 2012
Are you a parent interested in learning about getting your child get into college? How to navigate financial aid? Cook County Higher Education may be able to help. Consider attending a special evening of interactive discussion of the college learning process on Tuesday, November 27 from 5:30 – 7 p.m. at the Higher Ed North Shore Campus. Topics that will... READ MORE >