Staff Reports
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Safe ice advice from DNR
Staff Reports | December 15, 2012
With the recent snowfall and cold weather, the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) is reminding everyone that the ice in many parts of the state is still not thick enough for most recreational activities. “We know people want to get out and enjoy the snow, but they shouldn’t put themselves or anyone else in danger by going out on... READ MORE >

Library offers free tickets for Duluth Children’s Museum presentation
Staff Reports | December 15, 2012
Free tickets are available at the Grand Marais Public Library for a Duluth Children’s Museum presentation: Storyland, A Trip Through Childhood Favorites. The event is open now through Jan. 20 and takes kids for a walk into the worlds of three favorite picture books: The Tale of Peter Rabbit, The Snowy Day and Where’s Spot at the Duluth Children’s museum... READ MORE >

North Shore Voices to sing at Lutsen
Staff Reports | December 15, 2012
The North Shore Voices Community Choir, under the direction of Mary Carroll, will present its 2012 Christmas concert at Lutsen Evangelical Lutheran Church at 7 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 18. The choir features singers from along the North Shore, with a selection of music ranging from sacred to fanciful. There is no admission charge and the community is invited to attend.... READ MORE >

Minnesota State Horticultural Society sponsors scholarships
Staff Reports | December 15, 2012
The Minnesota State Horticultural Society (MSHS) 8th District is offering three scholarships: $500, $250 and the $500 Sharon Wildung Memorial Scholarship to youth in the MSHS 8th District which includes the counties of Carlton, Cook, Itasca, Koochiching, Lake, and portions of St. Louis. The Minnesota State Horticultural Society 8th District recognizes “gardening/horticulture” as a healthy lifetime activity. By offering this... READ MORE >

Arrowhead Electric Operation Round Up awards $5,575
Staff Reports | December 15, 2012
This fall, the Arrowhead Electric Cooperative, Inc. Trustee Board distributed Operation Round Up funds to three organizations. Arrowhead Customer Service Representative Jenny Kartes said the total funds distributed in this granting cycle were $5,575. Great Expectations School received $575. Cook County Higher Education received $4,200. The Cook County Historical Society received $800. The Operation Round Up program member participation is... READ MORE >

Pat Zankman recognized for Historical Society work
Staff Reports | December 15, 2012
Pat Zankman, former director of the Cook County Historical Society, was recently recognized with an award from the Minnesota Alliance of Local History Museums. The award is for “Capacity Building” which Pat Zankman was instrumental in achieving for the museum, according to Society Director Carrie McHugh. “She, in many ways, laid the foundation for a more professional museum with archival... READ MORE >

Master Naturalist Training at Sugarloaf Cove Nature Center
Staff Reports | December 15, 2012
Sugarloaf is pleased to announce Master Naturalist volunteer training at Sugarloaf Cove. Minnesota Master Naturalist is a program developed through the University of Minnesota Extension Service that educates adults about Minnesota’s natural resources, empowers them to teach others and provides opportunities to participate in conservation projects. Where better to take the Northwoods-Great Lakes Master Naturalist course than right on the... READ MORE >

Former Cook County man shoots ex-wife, kills self in Pine County
Staff Reports | December 15, 2012
A former Lutsen resident, a Cook County High School Class of 1975 graduate, Daniel L. Shilts, 55, Brook Park, MN, had a police standoff in Pine County on December 5, after allegedly shooting his ex-wife Dawn Christen, 55, and then killed himself. An emergency 911 call was made by a woman who said she had received a text message from... READ MORE >

Considering quitting? Consider QuitSmart!
Staff Reports | December 15, 2012
Tired of being a smoker? Want to head into the New Year smoke-free? Consider joining the QuitSmart class beginning on Wednesday, December 19. There are four sessions on the following dates: Wednesday, December 19; Wednesday, January 2; Thursday, January 3 and Wednesday, January 9. The sessions start at 5 p.m. and last approximately two hours. QuitSmart™ is a proven program... READ MORE >

Task force releases broadband report
Staff Reports | December 15, 2012
After 12 months of statewide meetings to gather information on the best practices and action steps Minnesota can take toward achieving border-to-border broadband access, the Broadband Task Force has issued its Annual Report and Broadband Plan for Gov. Dayton’s consideration. The report, issued by the Minnesota Department of Commerce, includes policy recommendations to promote the expansion of broadband access in... READ MORE >