Staff Reports
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Knowledge Bowl season under way
Staff Reports | February 09, 2013
On Wednesday, Jan 10, the Cook County senior high Knowledge Bowl team had its first meet, facing powerful competition from a number of teams who went to the State Knowledge Bowl meet last year—International Falls, Marshall, Duluth East, Hermantown, Denfeld and Proctor. Cook County fielded two teams and both finished quite well, said Knowledge Bowl Coach April Wahlstrom. Team 1... READ MORE >

DNR seeks comments on Grand Portage State Forest grant-in-aid trail
Staff Reports | February 09, 2013
The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) invites the public to review and comment on a proposal to authorize grant-in-aid trail funding for the 16-mile Cook County All-Terrain Vehicle (ATV) Trail in Tom Lake area of Grand Portage State Forest in northeastern Minnesota. Cook County will sponsor the proposal and will provide trail development and maintenance in cooperation with the... READ MORE >

Register now to “Keep It Moving”
Staff Reports | February 09, 2013
It’s time to register for “Keep it Moving in February,” where teams and individuals are challenged to just keep moving. If you’ve participated in the past, continue to use your existing username and password. We’ve gone around Lake Superior more than 13 times in the spring! That is more than 16,000 miles of moving our bodies as a community. Let’s... READ MORE >

Paula Sundet Wolf earns doctorate
Staff Reports | February 09, 2013
Paula Sundet Wolf, director of Cook County Higher Education (CCHE), has recently completed her doctoral program at the University of North Dakota, earning a Ph. D. in teaching and learning. Her dissertation topic was Non-traditional distance learners: Student persistence in a rural remote community. Speaking for the CCHE board of directors, Dr. Robert Pratt said, “Paula is a shining example... READ MORE >

Schroeder oral history project continues
Staff Reports | February 09, 2013
This fall, the Schroeder Area Historical Society (SAHS) was awarded a Minnesota Historical Society and Minnesota Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund grant of $1,125 for nine video oral history transcriptions. The transcriptions will be completed by Minnesota Book Award winner Barb Sommer, author of Hard Work and a Good Deal: The Civilian Conservation Corps in Minnesota. The nine video oral... READ MORE >

President Lincoln student writing contest seeking essays
Staff Reports | February 09, 2013
The Minnesota Historical Society’s student writing contest “Dear President Lincoln” is open for submissions. Students in grades 6-12 are invited to write a response to President Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address. Prizes in the essay contest will be awarded to one junior high student (grades 6-8) and one senior high (grades 9-12). Students have the chance to win a trip to Gettysburg... READ MORE >

Chamber of Commerce holds welcoming party Feb. 12
Staff Reports | February 09, 2013
The new Cook County Chamber of Commerce invites all county business owners and managers to a “We Love Cook County” pre-Valentine celebration from 5-7 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 12, at Sivertson Gallery in Grand Marais. “Everyone is welcome,” said host Jan Sivertson. “We’d love to see members of the Greater Grand Marais Chamber and also business folk from other parts of... READ MORE >

Carl Beam exhibit featured at Thunder Bay gallery
Staff Reports | February 02, 2013
In January and February 2013 the Thunder Bay Art Gallery will host the National Gallery of Canada’s retrospective exhibition of works by artist Carl Beam (1943-2005), whose influence as a leading contemporary Aboriginal artist from the mid-1980s challenged the prevailing marginalization of contemporary Aboriginal art. This exhibition travels to the Thunder Bay Art Gallery from the National Gallery of Canada... READ MORE >

Encore performance of CCHS one act play
Staff Reports | February 02, 2013
An encore presentation of the high school one-act comedy We’re Not Making This Play Up As We Go – Honest by Bradley Walton will be given Feb. 7 at 7 p.m. at the Arrowhead Center for the Arts. The cast includes Cy Fortunato, Luke Fenwick, Mikala Schliep, Sam Kern, Sam Deschampe, Seleine Morowitz, Emily Terrill, Melanie Stoddard and Michaela Peterson.... READ MORE >

Local musicians showcase February 16
Staff Reports | February 02, 2013
Give your valentine the gift of live music! Take him or her to the local musicians showcase at the Arrowhead Center for the Arts on Feb. 16. Savor an evening of outstanding music played by your friends and neighbors. This year’s lineup features an array of musical styles, from classical to folk to rock. Performers include Jane Howard, Samuel Black,... READ MORE >