Staff Reports
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Mary Batcheller named account manager at Flint Group
Staff Reports | March 09, 2013
Flint Group, a full-service network for marketing and communication agencies in the region, has hired Mary Batcheller, a Cook County native, as an account manager. Previously, Batcheller worked to grow the economy in Cass and Clay counties with the Greater Fargo Moorhead Economic Development Corporation (GFMEDC). During her six years with GFMEDC, she held multiple positions. As communications coordinator she... READ MORE >

Homeowner energy efficiency workshop set for March 13
Staff Reports | March 09, 2013
Keith Butcher, Energy Services representative with Southern Minnesota Municipal Power Agency (SMMPA) for the Grand Marais PUC, and Virginia Danfelt, Cook County Local Energy Project (CCLEP), will team up to offer a Homeowner Energy Efficiency Workshop at the Cook County Higher Education (CCHE) campus at 300 3rd St. in Grand Marais on March 13 from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. Butcher... READ MORE >

Steve Bragg earns top honors for commercial real estate sales
Staff Reports | March 09, 2013
Congratulations to Steve Bragg of Lutsen for receiving the “Big Hitter Award” at the Calhoun Companies’ award breakfast celebration in Minneapolis on Feb. 13. This award was given to the three most productive of 21 Calhoun agents servicing the five state area and Steve Bragg came in second. Calhoun Companies sells only businesses and commercial properties and has been doing... READ MORE >

May 1 deadline for Community Fund grants
Staff Reports | March 09, 2013
The Cook County Community Fund, an affiliate fund of the Duluth Superior Area Community Foundation, is accepting grant applications through May 1, 2013. This will be the only grant round for the Cook County Community Fund this year. The Cook County Community Fund supports projects in the arts, community development, education, environment, human services and youth. Grants range from $500... READ MORE >

Caregiver Support Group begins March 19
Staff Reports | March 09, 2013
The first meeting of a monthly caregiver support group is Tuesday, March 19, noon to 1:30 p.m. in the Fireside Room of the First Congregational Church in Grand Marais. Care Partners, the group sponsor, is providing facilitators and refreshments. Participation is free. Care Partners will also provide a trained volunteer, at no cost, to stay at home with the loved... READ MORE >

Warning issued about new tax scam
Staff Reports | March 09, 2013
Steve Deschene, AARP Foundation tax aide, is warning local residents of a new scam that is making the rounds. “We received this warning today from our contact at Minnesota Revenue (the Minnesota equivalent of the IRS) and thought we should pass it on,” he said. The message states: “The Minnesota Department of Revenue is warning taxpayers of a new scam... READ MORE >

Nominations for outstanding senior volunteers sought
Staff Reports | March 02, 2013
The search is on for Minnesota’s outstanding senior volunteer. The “Salute to Senior Service” program, sponsored by Home Instead, Inc., the franchisor of the Home Instead Senior Care network, honors the contributions of adults 65 and older who give at least 15 hours a month of volunteer service to their favorite causes. Nominations for outstanding senior volunteers will be accepted... READ MORE >

Lake service providers required to take aquatic invasive species training
Staff Reports | March 02, 2013
The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) is offering aquatic invasive species (AIS) training to owners of lake service provider businesses in Minnesota so they can legally work in the state’s waters. For lake service providers who don’t already have permits, the DNR is offering a number of training sessions in the next several months. The schedule is available at... READ MORE >

A full day of training in use of Microsoft Word
Staff Reports | March 02, 2013
Microsoft Word is the world’s leading word-processing and text-editing software. It is a powerful software with a wealth of advanced formatting features. Many users, however, never progress beyond basic use of Word, leaving them unable to take advantage of the software’s productivity-enhancing capabilities. In many cases, this lack of familiarity with Word’s full range of options leaves users frustrated and... READ MORE >

Ice fishing shelter removal dates approaching
Staff Reports | March 02, 2013
Minnesota’s ice fishing shelter removal dates are approaching. Dark houses, fish houses and portables must be off the ice of inland waters no later than midnight on March 4 in the southern two-thirds of the state and March 18 in the northern third. Enforcement action will be taken if shelters are left after the deadlines. The March 4 removal deadline... READ MORE >