Staff Reports
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Fiber Arts to be featured at Johnson Heritage Post
Staff Reports | June 13, 2009
The next exhibit at the Johnson Heritage Post in Grand Marais will be an exhibition by the Northwoods Fiber Guild entitled Through Our Hands III. The exhibit will display the best creations of the talented Fiber Guild artisans. Items on exhibit will include knitting, weaving, beadwork, quilts, paper, jewelry, clothing, rugs, baskets, wood carvings and more. Theshow opens with an... READ MORE >

Anti-racism work topic of June 19 program
Staff Reports | June 13, 2009
Ron Chisom, co-founder of the People’s Institute for Survival and Beyond (PISAB) will be making a presentation in Grand Marais on June 19. PISAB is the presenting organization of the Undoing Racism workshops that have been given around the U.S. including a number here in Cook County. Chisom will be addressing the history of the Institute, the ongoing anti-racist work... READ MORE >

Girl Scouts adopt Kadunce River
Staff Reports | June 13, 2009
The Adopt a River program was created by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources to help individuals and groups connect to and protect Minnesota waterways. Girl Scout Troop 4113 (fourth graders) adopted the Kadunce River in Colvill. Thisis the first river to be adopted in Cook County. On May 14, Troop 4113 invited Troop 4117 (third grade) to join together... READ MORE >

LOTS in store for our youngest children
Staff Reports | June 13, 2009
A literacy-rich home environment is a gift to any child and one that every child deserves. Thegoal of LOTS (Learning Opportunities Through Stories) is to make this a reality on the North Shore. LOTS is for families with children, ages birth – preK5. These free family sessions will occur weekly for seven summer weeks in several locations throughout Cook and... READ MORE >

Birch Grove offers dream raffle
Staff Reports | June 06, 2009
Summer or winter, the grand prize in the Birch Grove Community School raffle offers great recreational opportunities. Stop by Mike’s Holiday in Tofte to look at the raffleprize, a new 2009 Yamaha Phazer GT Snowmobile and a new 2007 Yamaha Big Bear 400 ATV and a 2009 Aluma 2 Place Snowmobile Trailer. Together the grand prize is a $14,797 retail... READ MORE >

“A View From the Lake” offered again
Staff Reports | June 06, 2009
Registration is open for the 2009 University of Wisconsin Extension – Minnesota Sea Grant boat trips aboard a Lake Superior research vessel. Reserve your spot on A View From the Lake cruises online at: http://www.seagrant., or by calling Minnesota Sea Grant: 218-726-8106. For only $20 (discount of $10 for groups of 4 or more), participants will experience aquatic science,... READ MORE >

Get the point of pencil creations at Art Colony offering
Staff Reports | June 06, 2009
Painting from a Point — Colored Pencil Creation is the name of a class being offered at the Grand Marais Art Colony by Kristy Kutch. Theclass will be held June 15-19 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., with a tuition of $345. Enjoy “painting from a point,” creating stunning colored pencil paintings. Using waxy/oily and water-soluble colored pencils as well... READ MORE >

Small Footprint Living Fair is for everyone
Staff Reports | June 06, 2009
According to organizers, the Small Footprint Living Fair is not just for people wanting to make drastic changes. It’s also for people who are curious about how to go about stepping in a green direction and those interested in learning about what others are doing to green their lives, their homes and their businesses. The mission of the fair is... READ MORE >

Schroeder Historical Society plans summer events
Staff Reports | June 06, 2009
Another big event featuring the phenomenon of Highway 61’s North Shore is scheduled for Sunday, June 14. Harpist Georganne Hunter will be performing a concert in two parts beginning at 1:30 p.m. Her concert is provided by a grant from the Arrowhead Regional Arts Council. At 2 p.m. the Schroeder Area Historical Society will hold its annual meeting. This year... READ MORE >

Danfelt-Martin graduates with honors
Staff Reports | June 06, 2009
Gwendolyn Danfelt- Martin has graduated from the University of Minnesota’s College of Liberal Arts with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Cultural Studies and Comparative Literature, as well as with minors in Spanish and Portuguese. Gwendolyn graduated magna cum laude with high distinction, as determined by her cumulative grade point average of 3.95 and her fulfillment of Honors requirements. Gwendolyn... READ MORE >